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Health topics
Health topics
… of bacteria that cause diarrhea are undercooked or raw foods, contaminated food, or contaminated water (including … Let your stomach rest. Start to eat small amounts of mild foods if you feel like it. After your diarrhea is gone, you … meat puts you at higher risk for getting sick. Also avoid foods like salads, uncooked vegetables, and raw fruits that …
HealthLinkBC files
… were not sealed before the flood Throw out all perishable foods that have been at temperatures above 4°C for more than … products During power outages, a full freezer will keep foods frozen for up to 2 days. Foods in a freezer that have thawed and remained above 4°C …
Health topics
… While you are trying to quit, focus on eating healthy foods and being more active. A stop-smoking medicine can … Instead, eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain foods. And learn more about healthy fats . A stop-smoking … go for a walk, or wash the dishes. Make a list of healthy foods that you especially like. Try some new low-calorie …
Health topics
… drink water instead of high-sugar drinks. Add some healthy foods. Focus on adding healthy food to your diet, rather than just taking unhealthy foods away. For example, add vegetables to sandwiches or add … Help yourself make healthy choices. Keep more healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, at home. Pack a healthy …
Health topics
… from sunrise to sunset for a certain month, or not eat foods like meat, dairy, and eggs for several weeks at a … from sunrise to sunset for a certain month, or not eat foods like meat, dairy, and eggs for several weeks at a …
Health topics
… the nutrition you need. To help control your gout: Limit foods that are high in purines, especially meat, seafood, … can do as part of an eating plan for gout. Avoid or limit foods that are high in purines, especially during a gout attack. These foods include: Organ meats, such as liver, kidneys, …
Health topics
… dry mouth or trouble swallowing after radiation treatments. Foods may taste different. You may not feel like eating if … You may feel more like eating if you do not cook your own foods. Drink plenty of fluids, especially when you don't … dry mouth or trouble swallowing after radiation treatments. Foods may taste different. You may not feel like eating if …
Health topics
… other potentially harmful substances are common in the environment. When these substances are released in large … not become radioactive, release of radiation into the environment can create radioactive dust and dirt (fallout) that … What to do If a hazardous substance is released into the environment: Tune in to a local radio or TV station for …
Health topics
… examination and ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your work and home environments. A stool culture confirms the diagnosis. Blood … foods you have recently eaten, and your work and home environments. A stool culture confirms the diagnosis. Blood …