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2124 results found
Health topics
… and fruits. One-quarter of her plate is whole grain foods. The final quarter of her plate is for protein foods. She makes water her drink of choice. "In general, I … and fruits. One-quarter of her plate is whole grain foods. The final quarter of her plate is for protein foods. …
Health topics
… moist without promoting tooth decay. Eat and drink tart foods and liquids. Tart food and liquids such as sugar-free … can help stimulate the flow of saliva. Add extra liquid to foods to make them easier to chew and swallow. Drink water … moist without promoting tooth decay. Eat and drink tart foods and liquids. Tart food and liquids such as sugar-free …
Health topics
… a strict weight-loss diet. Over time, severely limiting foods leads to malnutrition and unhealthy weight loss. As … a strict weight-loss diet. Over time, severely limiting foods leads to malnutrition and unhealthy weight loss. As …
Health topics
… and not seeing a dentist for checkups and cleanings. Eating foods that are high in sugar and other carbohydrates, which … the teeth overnight is more likely to cause cavities. Avoid foods that have a lot of sugar, especially sugar-coated cereals, desserts, and sticky foods like taffy and raisins. The longer sugar is in contact …
Health topics
… by being active and feeding your baby with healthy foods. Why does weight gain during pregnancy matter? Gaining … time to diet. Your baby needs you to eat a wide variety of foods. Follow Canada's Food Guide and focus on eating a variety of vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods. Limit sugary and high-fat foods. …
HealthLinkBC files
… someone with this illness handles food, water or ice. Some foods can be contaminated with the virus at their source. … when preparing the solution, not vice versa. Use B.C.’s FOODSAFE Chlorine Dilution Calculator tool to make up the … based on the concentration of your bleach product Caution: Mixing bleach …
Health topics
… enjoy. Try to savour each bite. Choose some new healthy foods to add to your meals, instead of avoiding certain foods. Find a new activity to help you deal with stress, … enjoy. Try to savour each bite. Choose some new healthy foods to add to your meals, instead of avoiding certain …
Health topics
… skip any meals, and not overeat at any one meal. Different foods, such as spicy foods or dairy foods, may trigger an episode in some children. Your child …