2124 results found
Health topics
… in making healthy lifestyle changes, such as eating healthy foods. Also, he or she may rely on you for emotional … in making healthy lifestyle changes, such as eating healthy foods. Also, he or she may rely on you for emotional …
… your doctor or pharmacist for more information about what foods/liquids (such as infant formula, breast milk) to avoid … your doctor or pharmacist for more information about what foods/liquids (such as infant formula, breast milk) to avoid …
HealthLinkBC files
… with local water purification suppliers or your local environmental health officer for more information. The … Check with your local water purification suppliers or environmental health officer for more information. It is … 49b Disinfecting drinking water , or contact your local environmental health officer. For information on the …
Health topics
Health topics
… Overview Use a form to record the sodium content of the foods you eat or drink each day. This record will help you … (or ______ grams) of sodium in my diet each day. Meal Foods and beverages consumed during the meal Total … . … Overview Use a form to record the sodium content of the foods you eat or drink each day. This record will help you …
Health topics
… when you feel drowsy. Diarrhea. Eat mild, low-fibre foods, such as applesauce, rice, and yogurt. Avoid spicy and high-fat foods until you feel better. Dizziness. Get up slowly from … often. Have healthy snacks between meals. Include favourite foods at each meal. Take a walk before you eat. This may …
Health topics
… do get an illness, choosing to be active, to eat healthy foods, and to learn how to deal with stress can slow down or … active, drink plenty of water, and choose healthy foods. Doing these things will help your body work well for … health habits can help you stay at your best: Eat healthy foods. Choose vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and …
HealthLinkBC files
Health topics
Health topics
… formula Is convenient and time saving (no bottles) Is environmentally friendly (no waste) Natural weaning As your toddler grows, she will learn to feed herself solid foods more and more independently. This begins the natural …