2123 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… for colonoscopy. PEG can be an additive in some processed foods and drinks, but no cases of anaphylaxis to PEG in foods and drinks have been reported. Speak with your health …
Health topics
Health topics
… help reduce the number of attacks you have: Eat low-salt foods. Salt makes your body hold on to excess fluid. If you … help reduce the number of attacks you have: Eat low-salt foods. Salt makes your body hold on to excess fluid. If you …
HealthLinkBC files
… Nitrate occurs naturally and is widespread in the environment. Nitrate is essential for plant growth and is … confused with nitrite. Nitrite can also be found in the environment, but is mainly used as a food and drink … searching “Laboratories – Analytical” online. Your local environmental health officer may also be able to give you a …
HealthLinkBC files
Health topics
Health topics
… log or notebook, such as insulin doses, your exercise, and foods you have eaten. You and your doctor will find this … log or notebook, such as insulin doses, your exercise, and foods you have eaten. You and your doctor will find this …