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Health topics
… affects different people in different ways. For people who have only mild symptoms from time to time, the disease may not have much impact on their everyday lives. People with more …
Health topics
… ( anemia ), platelets, or white blood cells Laboratory tests showing increased autoimmune activity (antibodies … ( anemia ), platelets, or white blood cells Laboratory tests showing increased autoimmune activity (antibodies …
Health topics
… Starting a Plan for Change Actionset Overview If you have decided to start a healthy eating plan, … eating, getting more exercise, or quitting smoking—you have a better chance of success if you make a plan ahead of … foods that you thought you didn't like. Look over any lab tests you might have if you are following a special diet. …
Health topics
… It has few side effects and can be done at home. People who have eye problems or take medicines that cause sensitivity to light should not use light therapy without first consulting a … (perhaps those who wake up normally in the early morning) should do their light therapy for 1 to 2 hours in the …
Health topics
… the body through the kidneys. Some health professionals have also used chelation therapy to treat atherosclerosis … Research results have been inconsistent. Chelation therapy should not replace lifestyle changes or standard treatments … pregnant women, and people who have heart or kidney failure should not have chelation therapy at any dose. Many years …
Health topics
… how to brush his or her own teeth at about age 3. Children should be brushing their own teeth morning and night by age 4. But you should supervise and check for proper cleaning. Encourage … how to brush the right way. A good teaching method is to have your child brush his or teeth in the morning and you …
Health topics
… read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or … They may also be used before exercise to prevent asthma symptoms. And they may be used to treat people who have only mild asthma symptoms now and then. (This is called …
Health topics
… can develop rapidly, within minutes. Treat low blood sugar symptoms as soon as you or your child notices them. How do … sugar and what to do when your child's blood sugar is low. Have your child wear a medical alert ID at all times. Have your child carry glucagon with them. Be sure that other …
Health topics
… may be all that is needed to provide relief if you have a productive cough and post-nasal drainage but do not have other symptoms. A productive cough in a person who smokes is often …
Health topics
… disease isn't treated, it may progress in stages from mild symptoms to serious, long-term disabilities. Stage 1, or … disease, occurs within one month of the tick bite. You may have an expanding, circular red rash (erythema migrans), and/or flu-like symptoms. Some people do not have symptoms. Stage 2, or early disseminated infection, can …