6003 results found
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… you stabilize your knee and return to activity. You may have: Reconstruction surgery. With this, the surgeon … after surgery. footnote 1 Some experts believe that surgery should be delayed until the swelling goes down, you have … swelling. Most of this will go away in a few days. You should soon start seeing improvement in your knee. To care …
Health topics
… Overview In a COPD attack or flare-up, your usual symptoms suddenly get worse. You have more shortness of breath and wheezing. You have more coughing, with or without mucus. You may cough up …
Health topics
… of the time, the person on whom the needle was used doesn't have hepatitis, HIV, or another infection that can be spread that way. When the person does have an infection that can be spread, your risk level if you … you what to do if you are exposed. This may involve blood tests and sometimes medicine that can help prevent …
Health topics
… Overview Preventing a relapse When you have schizophrenia, your symptoms can sometimes come back. This is called a relapse. … If your doctor recommends family therapy, be sure to have all family members attend each session. Join a …
Health topics
… or has a high risk of spreading. What To Expect You will have a scar that fades with time. If your wound is large, … is usually covered by clothes or is not easily seen. You should be able to return to your normal routine on the same … Is located in visible areas or areas where skin tissue should be preserved, such as on the ears, nose, or eyelids. …
Health topics
… How is it diagnosed? Children age 3 and older often have their blood pressure checked during routine doctor … in again for another blood pressure check. The doctor might have your child wear a portable device to measure blood pressure over 24 hours. Your child may need more tests to check for illnesses that may be causing high blood …
Health topics
… the following information. How often does your child have tantrums? What usually leads up to your child having a temper tantrum? Does your child have temper tantrums more often around certain people? Where … Your doctor may recommend further examinations or tests if your child often has temper tantrums that last …
Health topics
… Many people want to talk about their trauma with others who have had similar experiences. In group therapy, you talk with a group of people who also have been through a trauma and who have PTSD. Sharing your … talking about your trauma. This can help you cope with your symptoms, memories, and other parts of your life. Group …
Health topics
… And find out what foods, drinks, or natural health products shouldn't be mixed with your child's medicine. Talk to your … doctor tells you to. Aspirin increases the risk of Reye syndrome, a serious illness. Don't take medicine in front of … doctor tells you to. Aspirin increases the risk of Reye syndrome, a serious illness. Don't take medicine in front of …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you have heart failure, the following tips may help you deal … that makes it hard to breathe. Call your doctor if you have new symptoms or if your symptoms have become worse. Elevate your …