6010 results found
Health topics
… so you can choose times that work best for you. You don't have to travel to an office or spend time in a waiting room. … with your provider. Your provincial health plan website may have a list of therapists who are covered by your plan. If … be alone or won't be interrupted. Arrange how you'll pay. Have your insurance card ready so they can check your …
Health topics
… to 4 hours. Keeping a regular schedule may help people who have problems with incontinence (controlling urine). If you … the area near the commode free from clutter. Make sure you have all of the supplies you need, such as toilet paper and … Wash and dry your hands well before you get started, and have gloves available in case you need to help with wiping. …
Health topics
… (rehab) centre for your home after an SCI, it will help to have your home ready for your special needs. Because you may have to use a wheelchair and have limited movement and feeling, you may have to adapt …
Health topics
… For a while after childbirth, don't be surprised if you have little interest in sex. Physical recovery, exhaustion, … It's important to avoid sexual intercourse until you have stopped bleeding and intercourse is not painful or … childbirth may make sex less important to you. You will have more energy when you become used to having a new baby …
Health topics
… has suffered because of back pain, take heart. Many people have faced this problem. And there are steps you can take to … can't possibly know what hurts and what doesn't. You have to tell your partner. And if the thought of having pain … yoga to gently stretch their muscles. When you're ready to have sex, keep your movements slow and gentle. Be prepared …
Health topics
… the diary and pain scale below to keep track of when you have pain, how bad it is, and what you are doing to treat … more pain. The face on the right shows the worst pain you have ever known. For example, if you have a "2" on the scale, your pain may be minor with sharp …
Health topics
… They connect underserved people of the community who do not have a primary care provider with a family doctor or nurse … services to patients who: Experience barriers to care May have unmet medical and social needs May have mental health and substance use challenges May require …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you have seizures that change your awareness, consciousness, or muscle control, you may not have the legal right to drive. Laws vary from province to province. You may have to be seizure-free for at least 6 months to 1 year …
Health topics
… Breathe at about half your normal rate Try to keep your shoulders dropped and relaxed Light breathing in labour Let … sigh Try to completely relax, change your position, or have a sip of fluid as desired Short breath holding During … short breath holding (usually less than six seconds) If you have an epidural, you may have a delayed, lessened, or …
Health topics
… and they don't affect the teeth around them. After you have an implant, it stays in. You don't have to take it out to clean it. But you may need to have more surgery in the future so that the implant stays in …