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Health topics
… you. Some changes may be tough to deal with. You may have pain or scars from treatment. And even though you're … you went through. Some changes may be good. You may have a fresh outlook on life and feel that you've been given … handle. Even though your treatment is over, you may not have enough energy to do all the things you used to do. Let …
Health topics
… tennis, and racing. Power wheelchairs. Power wheelchairs have a motor, a control system, and a battery pack that you … a wheelchair based on how much movement and feeling you have (your functional level of injury), how much you are … you can ask are: How much upper body strength do I have? Am I strong enough to use a manual wheelchair? Where …
Health topics
… and follow all instructions on the label. It is common to have a scratchy feeling in the eye or mild discomfort. If you have pain, contact your doctor immediately. Pain may be a … or other problems in the eye. Notify your doctor if you have loss of vision, nausea, vomiting, excessive coughing, …
Health topics
… the medical care you or your family has received? Do you have questions for the Ministry of Health? The contact … or concerns. Speak with your health care provider If you have a concern with the care you or a family member has … care facility. Patient Care Quality Review Board If you have contacted the Patient Care Quality Office in your area …
Health topics
… feeding. Swallowed air may cause a baby to be upset and have colic behaviour. Aerophagia is a condition where large … It occurs most often in people who are very anxious or who have mental health problems. But it also is seen in … If you wear dentures, make sure they fit properly. Have them readjusted if you have gained or lost weight. …
Health topics
… eyes and stinging or burning skin are signs that you may have been exposed to something harmful. If you know or … clothing, jewellery, eyeglasses, and other items that have come in contact with the substance. Seal the items in a … Use soap and water to wash any areas of your skin that may have been contaminated—in some cases this may mean your …
Health topics
… There's a lot you can do to lower your stress when you have cancer. The key is to find one or two ways of coping … to suggest good sources for cancer information. They may have information for you or may recommend trustworthy websites. And many hospitals have medical libraries that are open to the public. A number …
Health topics
… to meet your new baby Last updated August 2, 2013 If you have other children at home, make sure they're ready to …   Every child is a unique individual and siblings will have different reactions, depending on their ages and … the new addition: Introduce the idea that families often have more than one child. Take your child to a playgroup. …
Health topics
… Others may feel a tingling sensation. And some may have a very strong sensation or discomfort. Other signs of … thirst and relaxation. For some, let-down is slow. If you have slow let-down, try these tips: Find a private, quiet place if you are uncomfortable Sit or lie comfortably Have a drink handy (non alcoholic) Massage your breasts or …
Health topics
… and diseases occur in people whose immune systems have been weakened by a disease such as HIV infection. … Opportunistic infections that are common in people who have AIDS include pneumonia, tuberculosis, and toxoplasmosis . People who have AIDS are also more likely to develop cancers such as …