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Health topics
… 65 and older. Divorced and widowed men in this age group have the highest suicide rates, and their most common method … following warning signs may be present in older adults who have a high risk for suicide: Depression . Older adults have higher rates of depression than the general population. …
Health topics
… Overview After a stroke, some people feel like they have lost control of their emotions. These feelings can come … parts of the brain that control how you feel. You may have emotional reactions that are different from your normal ones. For example, you may have fits of crying or laughing that are out of your …
Health topics
… Overview Overview People who have sickle cell disease can sometimes have vision problems. Blood cells that change shape, or … cause vision problems. This most often occurs in people who have hemoglobin SC disease, a type of sickle cell disease. …
Health topics
… first time you are exposed to the dye. For example, if you have had 3 or 4 tattoos without any problems, you could have an allergic reaction to the dye the next time you have a tattoo. Each time you have a tattoo, you must watch …
Health topics
… quality of life? Most people with a VAD feel better and have a better quality of life. They can be active, drive, work, be social, and enjoy hobbies. If you have a VAD, you will have a team of specialists who will help you. They will see …
Health topics
… stepclimber Difficulty getting places Take the bus Car pool Have someone come to your home Unsuitable or uninteresting … - 5 or 10 minutes at a time. Make yourself a priority; have a friend or family member come over and take time out … in aqua fit classes or do your own pool exercises Have a friend or family member assist and support you …
Health topics
… and improve sleep. It is sometimes used to help people who have pain or discomfort from cancer or other diseases. The … cancer or any other disease. How Well It Works No studies have proved that therapeutic touch works for treating any … anxiety. Some people who receive therapeutic touch say they have a refreshed spirit, heal faster, and feel better. There …
Health topics
… may bring grief, guilt and despair. You may feel empty and have problems being around pregnant women and mothers with … If your baby is stillborn, or dies near birth, you will have the opportunity to see and hold your baby. If you feel … the public health nurse, local crisis centre and others who have been in similar situations can help. Losing a baby will …
Health topics
… and pneumococcal disease are recommended for people who have diabetes. And people who have high blood sugar from diabetes are more likely to be … bacteria or fungi. Foot infections are common in people who have high blood sugar from diabetes. Nerve damage …
Health topics
… Bilingualism. Children raised in bilingual homes may have a slight delay in beginning to speak. They also may mix … both well. Children who grow up in bilingual homes do not have more difficulty in learning to talk, read, and write … Bilingualism. Children raised in bilingual homes may have a slight delay in beginning to speak. They also may mix …