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6010 results found
Health topics
… that matters to you. You've planned for this change. You have your larger plan and smaller steps defined. Here are … substance, like alcohol or tobacco. Other people who have the same habit or behaviour. Ask yourself: What things … will help you get past the cravings. If you think you'll have tobacco, drug, or alcohol cravings, talk to your doctor …
Healthy eating
… during pregnancy. If you choose to eat liver products, have no more than 75g (2 ½ ounces) per week. chicken and … carry oxygen. During pregnancy, the amount of blood you have increases to meet the needs of both you and your baby. … Some foods, like meat, fish, poultry and seafood may have bacteria that, if the meat is not properly cooked, can …
Health topics
… of major job stress: Lack of control. Feeling as if you have no control over your job duties is one cause of job stress. More responsibility. You can feel stress if you have too much work to do and you can't say no to new tasks. … problems, can cause stress. How to get started Any job can have stress, even if you love what you do. A lot may be …
Health topics
… between ages 12 and 18. People with the disorder tend to have seizures that cause jerking in the shoulders or arms. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures and … disorder tend to have seizures that cause jerking in the shoulders or arms. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures and …
Health topics
… tool for everyone. You don't need to be anywhere special or have the "right stuff" to do it. Being mindful really just … for a walk can be a way to practice mindfulness. You don't have to walk a long distance or through some golden wheat field at sunset. You just have to try to stay in the moment and pay attention to what …
Health topics
… you no longer need to act, your anger goes away. But if you have PTSD, your anger may get out of control. This means you … and may feel like harming others or yourself. When you have PTSD, you can get stuck in a "ready to act" mode. Your … be quick to get angry, and look for situations where you have to be alert or where you could be hurt. Feel that anger …
Health topics
… to see any arteries that are blocked or narrowed. If you have a blocked or narrowed artery, a tiny balloon is moved … the stent to help secure it. Living with a stent You don't have to live differently if you have a stent. But you'll want to take care of your heart by …
Health topics
… tool can be used to estimate the impact that smoking will have on your lifespan. Based on the number of cigarettes you … doesn't calculate the long-term impact that smoking will have on the quality of your life and the lives of people you … next? Quitting smoking can be difficult, especially if you have been smoking for a long time. It may take several tries …
Health topics
… your life. Maybe you've had thoughts like these: "I don't have time to do something relaxing." "I don't know what … need me." "Everything else seems more important." "I don't have a good plan." "I'm not sure about trying something … can feel like it will take more time and energy than you have. But taking a little time to fuel your own body and …
Health topics
… Overview With prolonged grief, you may have an intense feeling of longing for a person who has died. You may have trouble thinking about anything other than the person … or a death caused by an accident, a homicide, or a suicide. Have a history of depression or anxiety. How people express …