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5883 results found
Health topics
… that you're staying active week in and week out. If you're having problems staying with your plan, don't worry. You're … started a program to get more active but are having trouble keeping it going, it may help to figure out what's getting … Then you can figure out how to work around those barriers. Keep at it, even if you slip up along the way. It can take …
Healthy eating
… Food allergy does not normally cause eczema, but having eczema may increase the chance that a food allergy … new research shows there may be an additional benefit to keeping eczema under good control. Good control might help … when needed. Avoid contact with personal irritants 1. Keep skin moisturized Keep your child's skin well …
Health topics
… won't happen to you if you don't have ovaries. If you are having gender-affirming surgery, you may choose to have your ovaries removed. Some reasons to keep your ovaries You want to use your eggs for a future … ovaries removed when they are younger. The benefits of keeping your ovaries go down as you age. Talk to your doctor …
HealthLinkBC files
… reduce their risk of falling and maintain independence. 1. Keep your body active: Not only does regular physical … and balance, but it also increases energy levels, helps to keep your brain healthy and improves mood Adults aged 65 and … you can make to your home to reduce your risk of falling: Keep stairs, walkways and outdoor steps in good repair and …
Health topics
… using vibrating power tools for several years, smoking, or having frostbite. (This is sometimes called secondary … open the blood vessels to the inside parts of the body to keep the body warm. But with Raynaud's, the body restricts … cold outside. Mittens are warmer than gloves because they keep your fingers together. Gloves underneath mittens will …
Health topics
… to eat and drink. Be sure to let your doctor know you are having mouth sores. You may need to have your medicines … or too hot or too cold if it makes your mouth hurt. How to keep your mouth clean Rinse your mouth several times a day. … Or talk to your doctor about using a saliva substitute to keep your mouth moist. How to reduce pain Use a straw for …
Healthy eating
… begins. For more information on how to respond to a person having a severe allergic reaction, please see Severe … do not have an allergy to it. They can eat the food without having an allergic reaction. If they only had a skin prick … of each of your reactions. If you can, it may be helpful to keep a food and symptom diary. This is a daily record of …
Health topics
… Use a headache diary to find your headache triggers. Keeping track of what you do every day—the foods you eat, … very hard exercise. This can trigger a tension headache. Keep regular sleep patterns. Sleeping too much or too little … Use a headache diary to find your headache triggers. Keeping track of what you do every day—the foods you eat, …
Health topics
… work can help prevent musculoskeletal injuries. Stand tall. Keep the natural curves in your back. Slouching increases … low desk. Use good sitting posture . Relax your shoulders, keep your feet flat on the floor, and avoid leaning close to … the workstation and workstation tools within reach without having to lean, bend, or twist at the waist frequently. Vary …
Healthy eating
… are tips to help you feel your best. Steps you can take Keep a food and symptom journal. This will help you to learn … your main fluid. Aim for about 1.5-3 L of fluid each day. Keeping well hydrated may help if you have constipation. If … drinks, energy drinks and chocolate. Health Canada suggests having no more than 400mg of caffeine per day (the amount …