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Health topics
… Summary Get the facts Your options Get an insulin pump. Keep doing insulin injections. Key points to remember An … takes some time and effort to learn how to use the pump to keep it working properly and to control your diabetes. When … as a teenager, and I love it. I'm a police officer now, and having a pump makes it much easier to do my job. Jake, age …
Health topics
… areas in the floor. Move furniture and electrical cords to keep them out of walking paths. Use non-skid floor wax, and … of them regularly with an abrasive pad, such as steel wool. Keep your house well lit, especially stairways, porches, and … you use a lot are on the lower shelves (about waist level). Keep a cordless phone and a flashlight with new batteries by …
Health topics
… you may feel. Know how it works, what it does, and how it keeps you safe. Use certain electric devices with caution. … devices have a strong electromagnetic field. This field can keep your ICD from working right for a short time. Check … placed, you'll let your chest heal for a short time before having sex again. If you or your partner is worried about …
Health topics
… less sleep and feeling happier or grouchier than usual. Keeping track of your moods in a daily journal or on a … very happy or very grouchy. Being easily distracted and having racing thoughts. Talking more than usual. Keep track of your mood every day. After you know your early …
Health topics
… the home. Pad sharp corners on furniture and counter tops. Keep objects that are used often within easy reach. Install … for getting out of the home if there is a fire. Practice by having a fire drill. Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Preventing falls …
Health topics
… after they quit, but many lose this weight over time. But keep your focus on quitting. After you are confident of not … a program at the gym, or take up a new sport. Have a plan Keeping control of your weight will be easier if you have a … Remind yourself every day of how much healthier you are for having quit smoking. Remember, looking good is much more …
Health topics
… to children can also harm pets. Use the following tips to keep dangerous products or items away from children. … by the doorbell, a telephone, or some other interruption. Keep household plants out of reach. Many are poisonous if … other cupboards that are lower than your shoulder height. Keep products in their original labelled containers. Never …
Health topics
… you can treat the symptoms. You can use artificial tears to keep your eyes moist. Saliva substitutes, water, or prescription medicines can help keep your mouth and throat moist. How can you care for … from wind and dust. Avoid smoke. It irritates your eyes. Keep makeup away from your eyes. Or you may want to avoid …
Health topics
… everything you take. Include the dose and when you take it. Keep a copy with you, and take it to each doctor visit. Ask … are easy things you can do to make your home a lot safer. Keep walking paths clear. Remove things that you can trip … way. Use non-skid floor wax, and wipe up spills right away. Keep your house well lit. Use night-lights (or keep the …
Health topics
… that make this easier. Many pumps have features that keep your insulin dose records for you. You can upload your … If you'd rather avoid questions, there are lots of ways to keep your pump hidden. Look for clothing with inside … intake, changes in your insulin doses, and your exercise. Having records can help you see patterns. It's very …