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Health topics
… with oophorectomy). Have your uterus removed, but keep your ovaries (hysterectomy only). Key points to … can lower your risk. If you aren't at high risk for cancer, having your ovaries removed isn't recommended. It's … up to 4 days. If you are at average risk: The benefits of keeping the ovaries usually outweigh the risks, especially …
Health topics
… Quick Tips: Having Enough Energy to Stay Active On this page: Get … Get started You may be worried about having enough energy to exercise. Remember that exercise can … our content . … Get started You may be worried about having enough energy to exercise. Remember that exercise can …
Health topics
… you consider surgery. Surgery may be right for you if you keep having bad heel pain after 6 to 12 months of home treatment. … surgery, and I'm willing to accept that chance if I can keep running. My doctor has done a lot of plantar fascia …
Health topics
… be offered a screening test for Down syndrome. The risk of having a baby with a genetic condition increases as a woman … This test is an option for women who are at high risk for having a baby with certain genetic conditions. But it can't … you may decide to end the pregnancy. What are the risks of having a screening test? With the blood tests, there is …
Health topics
… test. But your doctor may recommend it if your chances of having a baby with a genetic condition or birth defect are … ultrasound and blood tests suggest that your chances of having a baby with a genetic condition or birth defect are … sampling can tell you if your baby may be at risk for having: A genetic condition, such as Down syndrome . A …
Health topics
… or, less often, prostate cancer. What are the benefits of having a PSA test? PSA tests can help find some prostate … longer than if you had no screening. What are the risks of having a PSA test? False-positive results Often the PSA test … people at a higher risk include: Being of African descent. Having a parent or sibling who had prostate cancer before …
Health topics
… can help maintain a normal blood pressure. Healthy kidneys keep the right amount of potassium in the blood to keep the heart beating at a steady pace. If you have kidney … can help maintain a normal blood pressure. Healthy kidneys keep the right amount of potassium in the blood to keep the …
Health topics
… problems, regular exercise and activity are important. They keep you healthier, give you energy, make you stronger, and … your lungs stronger. Can help you reach a healthy weight. Keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level. Can build bone … too much, it's easy to get discouraged and stop exercising. Keep your emergency phone numbers with you at all times. …
Health topics
… can sit down. You can also get help from other people. Housekeeping services will clean your house and other services … difficult for you. Exercise. In general, it is important to keep as physically fit as possible. Moderate aerobic … such as walking, climbing stairs, or swimming can help keep you fit. Intense exercise, including weight-lifting and …
Health topics
… kidney failure. After you start dialysis, you will need to keep doing it to stay as healthy as possible. If your needs … problems. It allows you to be in contact with other people having dialysis, which may give you emotional support. You … I choose, it won't cure my kidney failure. I will need to keep getting dialysis to stay as healthy as I can. True …