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… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … document does not contain all possible drug interactions. Keep a list of all the products you use (including … document does not contain all possible drug interactions. Keep a list of all the products you use (including …
Health topics
… You may also use a mechanical device that gently moves your jaw joint (continuous passive motion). Your jaw … surgery that can effectively treat TMDs. Compared with an open-joint surgery, it can treat a TMD with fewer and less … surgery that can effectively treat TMDs. Compared with an open-joint surgery, it can treat a TMD with fewer and less …
Health topics
… Overview It can be hard to know if your child is having a mild, moderate, or severe asthma … each breath. Uses chest and neck muscles to breathe and may open nostrils wide; may clutch at the chest Skin Normal skin … each breath. Uses chest and neck muscles to breathe and may open nostrils wide; may clutch at the chest Skin Normal skin …
Health topics
… Overview Overview How you feel about your body (your body image) may change when you have cancer. … doctor. And if your concerns involve a partner, talking openly with your partner may help. Where to get help Contact … doctor. And if your concerns involve a partner, talking openly with your partner may help. Where to get help Contact …
Health topics
… you work nights or rotating shifts, taking good care of yourself can be a challenge. It's common to feel "off," … drinks for at least 6 hours before you go to sleep. Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and cool. Use curtains, … shower or bath or maybe some deep breathing or stretching. Keep the same sleep and wake times. This includes the days …
Health topics
… Overview Oxygen therapy helps you get more oxygen into your lungs and bloodstream. You may use it if you have a … Turning the flow rate up or down could put you in danger. Keep track of how much oxygen is in the tank. Order more in … product like petroleum jelly. They may cause skin burns. To keep your skin from getting sore, tuck some gauze under the …
Health topics
… Getting back to work with back pain depends on what your day is usually like. But there are some basics that apply to everyone. Moving keeps your back muscles strong, which can help your back. … you can't do this, use a footrest so your feet can be flat. Keep the curve in your lower back. If your chair doesn't …
Health topics
… Overview Slouching puts stress on your lower back. Slumping or slouching on its own may not … or injured, bad posture can make pain worse. When you sit, keep your shoulders back and down, chin back, belly in, and … your knees. When driving your car, adjust your seat to keep your knees nearly level with your hips. Sit straight, …
Health topics
… it is safe to take it home, see if a trusted friend can keep it for you. Plan ahead. Know who you can call for help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. Your online activity may be seen by others. Do not use your … the kitchen with objects that can be used as weapons. Also, keep your children out of these unsafe rooms. Think of a …
Health topics
… the body loses water more quickly than it is replaced. When your child becomes dehydrated, severe health problems can … where many children are together, such as daycare centres. Keep your child at home while he or she is sick and for a … virus can spread easily even when people try very hard to keep places clean. For example, when a caregiver changes the …