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6348 results found
Health topics
… fed on demand. This means that you breast- or bottle-feed your infant whenever they show signs of hunger, rather than … respond before they start to cry a lot. During the feeding, keep the light off and use a soft voice. If you want to give … and the parent's benefit. A toddler's excitement about learning to walk and their emerging independence may disrupt …
Health topics
… a mental health problem. This can make people treat you and your family differently. This is called stigma—when others … friends to know. This is called "self-stigma," and it can keep you from getting treatment or finding work. Breaking … help with preparing for interviews, preparing resumes, and learning other skills needed to find work. Education about …
Health topics
… contact with a human papillomavirus (HPV) . You can infect yourself again by touching the wart and then touching … when using public showers, locker rooms, or pool areas. Keep your feet dry. If your feet sweat heavily, wear socks … in some way. You can help prevent warts from spreading. Keep your warts covered with a bandage or athletic tape. …
HealthLinkBC files
… If you have severe cramps or severe diarrhea, see your health care provider. How can I prevent yersiniosis? Always wash your hands properly after you use the washroom, and before … in human disease HealthLinkBC File #61b Petting zoo and open farm visits HealthLinkBC File #85 Hand washing: Help …
Health topics
… Chronic constipation can affect the quality of your life. But you can work with your doctor to learn how to … also suggest some of these treatments. Fibre. Fibre helps keep water in your stool, making it softer and easier to … increases movement in the intestine. Stool softeners. These keep stool soft. Prescription medicines. Some medicines may …
Health topics
… that just 30 minutes a day can make a huge difference to your physical and mental health. Benefits Regular physical … activities involve bending and stretching and help to keep your muscles and joints mobile. Try: yoga, tai chi, … the day to stretch or go for a walk or a quick bike ride. Keep busy around the house with active tasks like gardening …
Health topics
… no wonder that stress during the holidays is common. By learning to reduce this stress, you might find that you … these experiences as chances to practice being resilient. Keep up your healthy habits. Staying healthy is your best defence …
Health topics
… step counter, wearable device, or fitness app can remind you to walk more. It can help you set goals and make … It's fine to walk in shorter periods of time throughout your day and week that add up to the recommended goals. … down your steps each day in a step diary. Or let the device keep track for you. This will give you a starting record of …
Health topics
… a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste up to age 3. Ask your dentist if this is right for your child. Use a … your child's teeth. Use supplements only as directed. And keep them out of reach of your child. Too much fluoride can … in water supplies, but it can be toxic in large amounts. Keep all products containing fluoride, such as toothpastes …
Health topics
… of the pericardium, which is the sac that surrounds your heart. Pericarditis usually doesn't cause serious … heart attack. Getting diagnosed and treated early can help keep pericarditis from leading to other problems. That's why … of breath or other signs of complications. Be sure to keep all follow-up appointments with your doctor. If you …