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6348 results found
Health topics
… Doctors are often able to diagnose cellulitis based on your symptoms and a physical examination. In most cases, you … prevent it from coming back. Take good care of your skin. Keep it clean, and use lotion to prevent drying and … prevent it from coming back. Take good care of your skin. Keep it clean, and use lotion to prevent drying and …
Health topics
… suspect low blood sugar in a child. Mild low blood sugar If your blood sugar drops below 4.0 mmol/L, you may have … often, especially before activities like driving a car. Keep glucose tablets or quick-sugar foods like hard candy … often, especially before activities like driving a car. Keep glucose tablets or quick-sugar foods like hard candy …
Health topics
… fibrillation. It uses a brief electric shock to reset your heart's rhythm. Before the treatment, you will get … choose to also take medicines. These may help your heart keep its normal rhythm. What To Expect After cardioversion, … choose to also take medicines. These may help your heart keep its normal rhythm. What To Expect After cardioversion, …
Medical tests
… Albumin. This is made mainly in the liver. It helps keep the blood from leaking out of blood vessels. Albumin … how well the liver and kidneys are working. Find out if your diet contains enough protein. Help find the cause of … Albumin. This is made mainly in the liver. It helps keep the blood from leaking out of blood vessels. Albumin …
Health topics
… baby's strength and coordination improve. By age 3 months, your baby can control his or her head movements. Put your … put almost anything they can into their mouths. The brain keeps growing, helping to refine control over the large … put almost anything they can into their mouths. The brain keeps growing, helping to refine control over the large …
Medical tests
… jaundice was caused by a blood disorder or liver disease. Keep track of the effects of cholesterol-lowering medicines … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … jaundice was caused by a blood disorder or liver disease. Keep track of the effects of cholesterol-lowering medicines …
Health topics
… nutrition. If the person has trouble swallowing, then your doctor, a dietitian, or a speech therapist can give you … slip. And if preparing to eat takes a long time, be sure to keep the food at a preferred temperature. You may need to … slip. And if preparing to eat takes a long time, be sure to keep the food at a preferred temperature. You may need to …
Health topics
… an orthodontist. An orthodontist will: Ask questions about your or your child's past health. Check the mouth and teeth. … need to wear a device in your mouth called a retainer to keep your teeth from moving. Some people need to use … need to wear a device in your mouth called a retainer to keep your teeth from moving. Some people need to use …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Bronchoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to look at your airway through a thin viewing … it before your procedure. Or your doctor may tell you to keep taking it. (These medicines include aspirin and other … take off all or most of your clothes (you may be allowed to keep on your underwear if it does not interfere with the …
Medical tests
… A cardiac perfusion scan measures the amount of blood in your heart muscle at rest and after it has been stressed. It … taking it before your test. Or your doctor may tell you to keep taking it. (These medicines include aspirin and other … gown to wear. Electrodes might be attached to your chest to keep track of your heartbeats. You will have a very thin …