6348 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Your health care provider may request that you have one or … chance of having Down syndrome (DS), Trisomy 18 or an open neural tube defect. Please talk to your health care … offer and perform optional, private-pay, 3D ultrasounds for keepsake or entertainment purposes only. Providing medical …
Health topics
… The depression, medicines, and alcohol made it hard to keep a job, he says, which made him more depressed. And … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … The depression, medicines, and alcohol made it hard to keep a job, he says, which made him more depressed. And …
Health topics
… services immediately. Protect the person from injury. Keep them from falling if you can, or try to guide the … can leak out of the mouth. Do not force anything, including your fingers, into the person's mouth. Do not try to hold … services immediately. Protect the person from injury. Keep them from falling if you can, or try to guide the …
Health topics
… vaccines and autism. footnote 2 , footnote 3 Health Canada keeps a list of all vaccines that are available in Canada … and autism. footnote 4 It's risky if you don't vaccinate your child. Immunizations are important for many reasons. … vaccines and autism. footnote 2 , footnote 3 Health Canada keeps a list of all vaccines that are available in Canada …
Health features
… To find mental health and substance use support services in your area, search the HealthLinkBC Directory or contact your local health authority . Drug-related overdoses and … be circulating and could put you at increased risk Talking openly with your kids, teenagers, and adult children about …
Health topics
… you may be feeling excited or impatient to finally meet your baby. In the meantime, your body goes through … glycerin Avoid long, hot baths Apply oils or lotions to keep your skin moisturized, especially after a bath or … attending prenatal classes, developing a birth plan and learning about labour and birth so you know your options …
HealthLinkBC files
… I do if I find a tick on my skin? If you find a tick on your skin, you need to remove it as soon as possible. Check … lid along with a cotton ball dampened with water to keep it alive. Do not use rubbing alcohol or any other … can carry diseases, you will be provided instructions to keep the tick in a freezer for 30 days and monitor for signs …
Health features
… illnesses, including the flu and the common cold. Protect yourself and your community against COVID-19 by getting your updated … decrease over time, particularly in older people, so keeping your immunizations up to date will help ensure you …
Health topics
… connected. But it can also be overwhelming. It can disrupt your day. And it's easy to develop habits you didn't mean … to stay caught up on the day's events, do you need to keep an eye on the headlines all day? Maybe a check-in once … or "Spend an hour reading the news, or spend an hour learning new guitar chords?" Follow the feel-good stuff. …
Health topics
… you could spread it to friends, family, and other people in your community who are at high risk. This can happen even if … risk for getting very sick or even dying. And you won't be keeping others safe or helping your community end the … risk for getting very sick or even dying. And you won't be keeping others safe or helping your community end the …