6348 results found
Health topics
… of the hormones cortisol and, sometimes, aldosterone. Your body needs both of these hormones to work as it should. … helps the body hold on to the salt it needs, and it keeps your blood pressure steady. Normally, the level of … helps the body hold on to the salt it needs, and it keeps your blood pressure steady. Normally, the level of …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done You may need a prostate biopsy if your doctor found something of concern in your lab work or … it before your procedure. Or your doctor may tell you to keep taking it. (These medicines include aspirin and other … it before your procedure. Or your doctor may tell you to keep taking it. (These medicines include aspirin and other …
Health topics
… room temperature, or within 24 hours if refrigerated. Let your stomach rest. Start to eat small amounts of mild foods … as long as diarrhea continues. If your baby has trouble keeping the liquids down, try giving frequent sips by spoon. … as long as diarrhea continues. If your baby has trouble keeping the liquids down, try giving frequent sips by spoon. …
Medical tests
… Overview A chest X-ray is a picture of the chest that shows your heart, lungs, airway, blood vessels, and lymph nodes . … of your clothes above the waist. (You may be allowed to keep on your underwear if it does not get in the way of the … of your clothes above the waist. (You may be allowed to keep on your underwear if it does not get in the way of the …
Medical tests
… cancer is normally one of the lymph nodes under the arm. Your doctor injects a blue dye or special tracer substance … taking it before your test. Or your doctor may tell you to keep taking it. (These medicines include aspirin and other … taking it before your test. Or your doctor may tell you to keep taking it. (These medicines include aspirin and other …
Medical tests
… water) for 10 to 12 hours before the test. How It Is Done Your health professional drawing blood will: Wrap an elastic … bruise at the site. You can lower the chance of bruising by keeping pressure on the site for several minutes. In rare … bruise at the site. You can lower the chance of bruising by keeping pressure on the site for several minutes. In rare …
Health topics
… It can provide a safe and structured environment for you or your loved one. Long-term care: Provides a range of services … on your list with your family. It may be helpful to keep written notes about each one. You may want to visit … on your list with your family. It may be helpful to keep written notes about each one. You may want to visit …
Medical tests
… alcohol test measures the amount of alcohol (ethanol) in your body. Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood and … go into fat cells as well as other cells, so women tend to keep more alcohol in their blood than men do. Also, a … go into fat cells as well as other cells, so women tend to keep more alcohol in their blood than men do. Also, a …
Health topics
… outbreak and you think you might have been exposed, call your doctor or local health unit. Do not go directly to a … health officials would quickly take action. They would keep anyone who might have been exposed away from others. If … health officials would quickly take action. They would keep anyone who might have been exposed away from others. If …
Healthy eating
… Spanish Document Vietnamese Have you ever stood in front of your refrigerator or kitchen cupboard and wondered what you … is recommended. They may also be lower in the nutrients your body needs. Benefits of meal planning Meal planning is … staple ingredients like vegetable oil, flour, and onions. Keep adding to this grocery list as you add more meals to …