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Health topics
… frustrated because you're getting different advice on your treatment. Be more likely to experience medical errors . You … care. Your doctor will know all the tests, medicines, and treatments you are getting and help you with any problems. … your other doctors to tell your primary care doctor their treatment plans, including tests, medicines, physiotherapy, …
Health topics
… to keep working together to make decisions about your treatment. You depend on your doctor to give you wise treatment advice. And your doctor depends on you to share … plan on an important event a few months from now. Avoiding treatments or testing that make daily life more difficult. …
Health topics
… your options. Tests will help your doctor know which treatments might help you. Talk openly and honestly with … This can help you understand your options and decide about treatments. Knowing what may lie ahead can help you set … concerns. Your doctor can help you get the right medical treatments, including counselling. Spiritual or religious …
Health topics
… or other pelvic surgery or from radiation or chemotherapy treatment for cancer. In some of these cases, the condition … pregnant. How is primary ovarian insufficiency treated? Treatment for primary ovarian insufficiency will help you manage your symptoms. But there is currently no treatment that will make the ovaries start to work properly …
… in the mouth and throat (mucositis) caused by radiation treatment. It can also be used to treat pain from a sore … using this medication the day before you begin radiation treatment and to continue to use it even after you have finished radiation treatment. If you are using this medication to treat pain …
Health topics
… cases. So a molar pregnancy should be treated right away. Treatment will make sure that all of the tissue is removed. … pregnancy. Partial molar pregnancies are often found during treatment for an incomplete miscarriage . How is a molar … treated? When you have a molar pregnancy, you need treatment right away to remove all of the growth from your …
Health topics
… body. Some are mild, while others are more serious and need treatment right away. Mild symptoms can include: Pain in … worse. How are pressure injuries from scuba diving treated? Treatment may depend on the type of injury. The main treatment for decompression sickness is time in a hyperbaric …
Health topics
… and hard to deal with. It probably won't get better without treatment. What causes it? Stuttering happens when the brain … watch and listen to you speak. How is stuttering treated? Treatment for stuttering often includes counselling for the … parents and speech therapy for the child. The main goal of treatment is to help your child learn to speak as smoothly …
Health topics
… you have a scaphoid fracture, because these fractures need treatment to heal well. With proper treatment and follow-up, most scaphoid fractures will heal over time. Without treatment, and sometimes with treatment, healing can be slow …
… is based on your weight, medical condition, and response to treatment. Tell your doctor if your condition lasts or gets … reactions to the dying parasites during the first 4 days of treatment, including joint pain, tender/swollen lymph nodes, … trypanosomiasis) that could cause problems with ivermectin treatment. These effects could rarely result in serious …