2233 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… infection and disease. There is no cure for HIV, but lifelong treatment with medications called highly active … antiretroviral therapy (HAART) means that you can live a long life with HIV. Without treatment, HIV infection may … They recommend more frequent testing for people who: belong to populations that have a greater chance of acquiring …
HealthLinkBC files
… How much should I feed my baby? Let your baby decide how long to feed for. Start feeding when they show early signs … affect your milk supply and your baby’s sleep, growth and long-term development. It’s best to avoid smoking or vaping. …
Health topics
… Overview Many people have more than one long-term (chronic) health problem. You may be one of them. … Deal with pain, if you have health problems that cause long-term pain. Get regular checkups from your doctor. … Organizing Your Medical Records Regular Checkup for a Lifelong Condition Stress Management Support Groups and Social …
Health topics
… can happen when you lie in bed or sit in a wheelchair for a long time. Pressure injuries usually occur over bony areas, … pressure injuries. Putting pressure on one spot for long periods of time damages the skin and underlying … can also cause problems with support equipment that no longer fits. Don't smoke. Smoking dries the skin and reduces …
Health topics
… to have rashes or other skin problems. Some of them have long names that are hard to say and sound scary. But most … or genitals that is caused by wearing a wet diaper for a long time. Urine and stool can irritate the skin. Diaper … to have rashes or other skin problems. Some of them have long names that are hard to say and sound scary. But most …
Health topics
… Some people with repeated or severe sprains can develop long-term joint pain and weakness. Treating a sprained ankle … severe sprains, you may hear and/or feel something tear, along with a pop or snap. You will probably have extreme pain … you have, the more severe your ankle sprain is and the longer it will take to heal. When to Call a Doctor Call your …
Health topics
… of function are severe. Medicine and other treatments no longer help with pain. Doctors may not recommend knee … But the surgery will allow you to stand and walk for longer periods without pain. After surgery, you may be … and need to be replaced. Your artificial joint should last longer if you are not overweight and you do not do hard …
… you do not get your period, consult your doctor. Do not go longer than 7 days without a patch, since this will increase … is not replaced within 24 hours, or if you are not sure how long it has been off, start a new cycle by applying a new … surgery or if you will be confined to a bed or chair for a long time (such as a long plane flight). These conditions …
… used to treat opioid dependence/addiction. Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called mixed opioid … not increase your dose or use this drug more often or for longer than prescribed. Properly stop the medication when … is more likely if you have used this medication for a long time or in high doses. Tell your doctor or pharmacist …
… used to treat opioid dependence/addiction. Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called mixed opioid … dose, take the medication more frequently, or take it for a longer time than prescribed. Properly stop the medication … is more likely if you have used this medication for a long time or in high doses. Tell your doctor or pharmacist …