2233 results found
Health topics
… This is important so that: You can get treatment and avoid long-term problems, such as not being able to have a baby … A test could find an infection early and help you avoid long-term problems from the disease. Getting tested may give … They could spread the infection to others. You could have long-term problems from an untreated infection. Personal …
Health topics
… ask that the condition be treated, especially if it lasts a long time—the bumps can sometimes last for several years. … ask that the condition be treated, especially if it lasts a long time—the bumps can sometimes last for several years. …
Health topics
… their community. Rejection, prejudice, and fear can cause long-term stress. How is it diagnosed? Gender dysphoria may … their community. Rejection, prejudice, and fear can cause long-term stress. How is it diagnosed? Gender dysphoria may …
Health topics
… COPD, or heart problems, or if you haven't been active in a long time, check with your doctor before you start a new … COPD, or heart problems, or if you haven't been active in a long time, check with your doctor before you start a new …
Health topics
… They may meet weekly, every few weeks, or monthly. How long they're in counselling is different for each teen. But it may be for several months or longer. There are different types of counselling. Cognitive … They may meet weekly, every few weeks, or monthly. How long they're in counselling is different for each teen. But …
Health topics
… covering (cornea) over the iris. This usually does not last long. Blockage of the drainage angle when the cornea and the … covering (cornea) over the iris. This usually does not last long. Blockage of the drainage angle when the cornea and the …
Health topics
… an HPV infection. For cancers of the lip, exposure over a long period of time to ultraviolet light from the sun or … may include: Surgery. The doctor may remove the cancer along with a border of normal tissue around it, called a … an HPV infection. For cancers of the lip, exposure over a long period of time to ultraviolet light from the sun or …
Health topics
… Well It Works Surgery usually cures a hemorrhoid. But the long-term success of hemorrhoid surgery depends a lot on how … Well It Works Surgery usually cures a hemorrhoid. But the long-term success of hemorrhoid surgery depends a lot on how …
Health topics
… after the surgery if there have been no complications. How long it takes to recover depends on which type of surgery … work in 1 to 2 weeks. If you had open surgery, it may take longer, about 2 to 4 weeks. For either surgery, you will … doctors have been doing Burch colposuspension surgeries longer than sling surgeries. Many studies have been done on …
Health topics
… They may be afraid to take medicine because of short- or long-term side effects. Women who are pregnant or planning … They may be afraid to take medicine because of short- or long-term side effects. Women who are pregnant or planning …