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2233 results found
Health topics
… may be able to open child resistant caps if they try long enough Keep harmful products locked up, out of sight … clothing and household items with strings, cords or ribbons longer than 15 cm (6 in.) out of your toddler’s reach. Longer ties can get wrapped around your toddler’s neck and …
Medical tests
… save your numbers, write them in your log book, along with the date and time. Getting a blood pressure cuff … The inflatable part of the cuff needs to be at least as long as the widest measurement around your upper arm. How It … a blood pressure reading of less than 90/60 is healthy as long as you feel okay. Automated …
Health topics
… staying out of the sun and wearing a hat with a wide brim, long sleeved-shirts, and long pants when you are outdoors. Talk to your doctor about … staying out of the sun and wearing a hat with a wide brim, long sleeved-shirts, and long pants when you are outdoors. …
Health topics
… doses of ketoconazole. If you take a steroid medicine for a long time and then suddenly stop using it. People can get … treatment and follow your doctor's advice, you can lead a long and healthy life. Hyperthyroidism … doses of ketoconazole. If you take a steroid medicine for a long time and then suddenly stop using it. People can get …
Medical tests
… take the test. Blow into the balloon or the tube. Use one long breath, not several short breaths. With a balloon and … correct amount of time (usually 4 to 6 seconds). Use one long breath, not several small breaths. See the test … take the test. Blow into the balloon or the tube. Use one long breath, not several short breaths. With a balloon and …
Health topics
… more energy. Improve your mood. Stay independent and live longer. Avoid having to go to the hospital. If you aren't … level of activity. With your doctor, plan how often, how long, and how hard you will be active. Don't exercise too … for things you can track include: Your daily activity. How long you did the activity. Your short-term exercise goals. …
Health topics
… Your Asthma Actionset Overview Even though asthma is a lifelong condition, treatment can help you feel and breathe … and help you avoid asthma attacks . It may also help limit long-term lung damage. Watch for patterns in your symptoms. … taking charge of your asthma: Controlling asthma over the long term. Daily controller medicine helps reduce the …
Health topics
… as diabetes, heart disease, or colon cancer. You have a long-term health problem, such as diabetes. When you are … be no treatment that helps with symptoms or helps you live longer. In this case, you may decide that you don't want the … help find serious problems that could affect your baby's long-term health. Your doctor will check your baby's vision, …
Health topics
… complete the procedure. If so, those scars will be a little longer than the others. If you have an open resection, you will have one long scar. An example is in the picture on the right. What … . You may stay in the hospital for 4 to 7 days or as long as 2 weeks after surgery. Sometimes the two parts of …
Health topics
… to go to the bathroom. Also, they may hold on to urine too long. These children: Tend to empty their bladders only 2 or … daytime wetting because they try to hold their urine too long. To keep from wetting themselves, children may: Squat. … Pull-Ups may help. But it may also make the problem last longer. This is because your child may have less reason to …