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2233 results found
Health topics
… to help you manage your feelings and plan for your child's long-term care needs. Your doctor will likely address a … to help you manage your feelings and plan for your child's long-term care needs. Your doctor will likely address a …
Health topics
… knives, plates, cups, and other utensils. You may need long straws to help you drink. If you cook, you may need a … knives, plates, cups, and other utensils. You may need long straws to help you drink. If you cook, you may need a …
Health topics
… blood sugar levels within a target range to help prevent long-term complications. Differences between type 1 and type … blood sugar levels within a target range to help prevent long-term complications. Differences between type 1 and type …
Health topics
… After a foot ulcer has formed, it will not heal as long as weight-bearing on the area continues. Unless your … After a foot ulcer has formed, it will not heal as long as weight-bearing on the area continues. Unless your …
Health topics
… Regular Checkup for a Lifelong Condition On this page: Overview Overview Print this … I have any new symptoms? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, include how long I have had them and what helps relieve them. If I have … I have any new symptoms? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, include how long I have had them and what helps relieve them. If I have …
Health topics
… know what treatment to use. It also helps predict how long the person will survive and what chance there is of a … know what treatment to use. It also helps predict how long the person will survive and what chance there is of a …
Health topics
… Exercise might help you quit smoking. It doesn't take long after you stop smoking before you will notice that you … Exercise might help you quit smoking. It doesn't take long after you stop smoking before you will notice that you …
Health topics
… have emotional and psychological effects, both short- and long-term, such as: Impairing a child's trust and … have emotional and psychological effects, both short- and long-term, such as: Impairing a child's trust and …
Health topics
… but it can lead to sore breasts. But this does not last long. You and your baby will settle into a feeding routine, … but it can lead to sore breasts. But this does not last long. You and your baby will settle into a feeding routine, …
Health topics
… (melatonin). Improving how well you speak. Improving long-term and medium-term memory. May help children deal … (melatonin). Improving how well you speak. Improving long-term and medium-term memory. May help children deal …