4336 results found
Health topics
… from a fall on a hip, a direct blow to a hip or knee, or abnormal twisting or bending of the leg. Acute injuries … the child can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything else except focus on the pain. … are: Diseases such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, and congenital heart disease. Steroid …
Health topics
… is a long-term (chronic) skin problem that causes skin cells to grow too quickly. This growth causes thick, white, … or red patches of skin (called plaques). Normally, skin cells grow gradually and flake off about every 4 weeks. New skin cells grow to replace the outer layers of the skin as they …
Medical tests
… no antibodies are found, it is called a non-reactive test. Abnormal: Abnormal results are called positive. Syphilis bacteria or … no antibodies are found, it is called a non-reactive test. Abnormal: Abnormal results are called positive. Syphilis …
Health topics
… Basics What is heart block? Heart block refers to an abnormality in the way electricity passes through the normal … It is common in young, healthy people (especially during sleep). It usually does not cause symptoms. Mobitz type II … It is common in young, healthy people (especially during sleep). It usually does not cause symptoms. Mobitz type II …
… can cause a certain type of thyroid tumor (thyroid C-cell tumors) in rats and mice. It is unknown if this … insulin. It works by helping blood sugar (glucose) get into cells so your body can use it for energy. Liraglutide is … (such as change in the amount of urine) mental/mood changes (such as depression, thoughts of suicide) Get …
Health topics
… and reduce how often you have attacks. Certain lifestyle changes like limiting sodium in your diet and reducing … vertigo. Options include: Chemical ablation. During this procedure, an antibiotic (usually gentamicin) is injected … vertigo. Options include: Chemical ablation. During this procedure, an antibiotic (usually gentamicin) is injected …
… any serious side effects, including: vaginal sores (ulcers) abnormal vaginal bleeding A very serious allergic reaction … any serious side effects, including: vaginal sores (ulcers) abnormal vaginal bleeding A very serious allergic reaction …
… to treat cystic fibrosis in certain people (those with an abnormal "CFTR" gene). It may help to improve breathing, … if you have any serious side effects, including: vision changes This product may rarely cause serious liver disease. … to treat cystic fibrosis in certain people (those with an abnormal "CFTR" gene). It may help to improve breathing, …
Health topics
… disease? Dupuytren's disease (say "duh-pwee-TRAHNZ") is an abnormal thickening of tissue beneath the skin in the palm … disease Surgery takes 30 minutes to 2 hours. You may be asleep or awake, depending on the type of surgery. You can go … an injected medicine called collagenase. You may have a procedure called a needle aponeurotomy, which uses a needle …
… speaking weakness on one side of the body sudden vision changes This medication may cause a condition known as … other fertility problems (such as primary ovarian failure) abnormal bleeding from the vagina/uterus thyroid problems … other fertility problems (such as primary ovarian failure) abnormal bleeding from the vagina/uterus thyroid problems …