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4336 results found
… by improving blood flow to the brain and affecting nerve cells in the inner ear. This medication is not recommended … by improving blood flow to the brain and affecting nerve cells in the inner ear. This medication is not recommended …
… This medication is used to treat or prevent serious blood cell disorders (such as thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, … This medication is used to treat or prevent serious blood cell disorders (such as thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, …
Healthy eating
… such as the ones that control blood pressure and red blood cell production There are five stages of chronic kidney … or diabetes, manage these conditions through lifestyle changes and taking any medication prescribed by your doctor. … your doctor or a dietitian may advise you to make other changes to your diet. There is no one diet that is right for …
Medical tests
… is a protein found on the surface of many ovarian cancer cells. It also can be found in other cancers and in small … high risk of ovarian cancer, such as those with BRCA gene changes. For these women, the benefits of screening may … is a protein found on the surface of many ovarian cancer cells. It also can be found in other cancers and in small …
Health topics
… spider bites, including the rapid destruction of red blood cells and anemia (hemolytic anemia). Signs and symptoms … spider bites, including the rapid destruction of red blood cells and anemia (hemolytic anemia). Signs and symptoms …
… in the amount of urine, unusual back/side pain) mental/mood changes (such as agitation, confusion, hallucinations) … cause a life-threatening disorder that affects the blood cells, kidneys, and other parts of the body. This disorder … (such as vaccines against the varicella virus) without the consent of your doctor. Older …
Medical tests
… is seen. Blood vessel walls are normal. No bleeding, abnormal collections of fluid, blockage in the flow of … or bulges in the blood vessels ( aneurysms ) are seen. Abnormal: Partial or complete blockage of a blood vessel may … is seen. Blood vessel walls are normal. No bleeding, abnormal collections of fluid, blockage in the flow of …
Health topics
… to correct hammer, claw, and mallet toes . In this procedure, the surgeon removes part of one of the toe bones, … to correct hammer, claw, and mallet toes . In this procedure, the surgeon removes part of one of the toe bones, …
Health topics
… or people who have had major surgery or other medical procedures and have been treated with multiple antibiotics. … or people who have had major surgery or other medical procedures and have been treated with multiple antibiotics. …
Health topics
… to visit his or her doctor regularly and make any needed changes in treatment. How do I do postural drainage? There … lower ribs or over the spine or female breasts. Follow this procedure for each position. How much force to use while … lower ribs or over the spine or female breasts. Follow this procedure for each position. How much force to use while …