4336 results found
Health topics
… Having other health problems, such as heart failure or an abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia) may also trigger a flare-up. … Kathuria MD - Pulmonology, Critical Care Medicine, Sleep Medicine Current as of: November 14, 2022 Author: … Kathuria MD - Pulmonology, Critical Care Medicine, Sleep Medicine This information does not replace the advice …
Health topics
… hair, which is then replaced by mature hair. Because of changes in hormones, people often lose hair for 1 to 6 … in areas not well-covered by hair. It can destroy skin cells and tissues and, in some cases, spread (metastasize) … mild? Severe means that it is bad enough to interfere with sleep and your normal activities. Severe Severe itching or …
… (endometriosis). This medication helps to decrease the abnormal tissue and also the symptoms of endometriosis (such … if any of these serious side effects occur: mental/mood changes (such as depression, thoughts of suicide, mood … pharmacist your medical history, especially of: unexplained abnormal vaginal bleeding smoking daily alcohol use bone …
Health topics
… life. What causes it? The body makes insulin in beta cells, which are in a part of the pancreas called the islet … lens of the eye, it sucks extra water into the eye. This changes the shape of the lens and blurs vision. Feeling very … out (lost consciousness), or if you suddenly become very sleepy or confused. (You may have very low blood sugar, …
Health topics
… each other. This is called chronic ACL deficiency. The abnormal bone movement can also damage the tissue ( … of ACL injuries include: Playing sports that involve sudden changes in direction or cutting around other players or … When any of these occur, the lower leg bone moves abnormally forward on the upper bone, with a sense of the …
Health topics
… Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Mental changes. These may include sleepiness, trouble thinking clearly, agitation, psychosis, … Your parathyroid hormone (PTH) level. Your red blood cells, to see if you have anemia of chronic kidney disease. …
Health topics
… is surgery. It causes pain during and after the procedure. After the foreskin is removed, it can't be put … circumcision. Your baby may be fussy and have trouble sleeping for the first few days. He may feel some pain for a … Society (CPS) does not recommend circumcision as a routine procedure for all newborn males, but there may be benefits …
Medical tests
… . It is produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the … conditions that cause increased destruction of red blood cells , such as hemolytic anemia or hemolytic disease of the … or cancer of the pancreas . Rapid destruction of red blood cells in the blood, such as from sickle cell disease or an …
Health topics
… is safe for you will vary depending on the cause of your abnormal heart rhythm and whether you have other forms of … is safe for you. This will depend on the cause of your abnormal heart rhythm and whether you have other forms of … is safe for you will vary depending on the cause of your abnormal heart rhythm and whether you have other forms of …
Health topics
… The dentist will remove the fibres about 1 week after the procedure. What To Expect If anesthesia is used, your lips … Well It Works If you maintain good dental care after the procedure, the progression of gum disease should stop. And … The dentist will remove the fibres about 1 week after the procedure. What To Expect If anesthesia is used, your lips …