4353 results found
… been regularly using moderate to large amounts of opioid pain medication. Otherwise, it may cause overdose (even death). To lower your risk, your doctor should have you use the … area on a flat part of your body, such as the chest, sides, back, or upper arms. In young children or in people unable …
… from it, take this product exactly as directed, and follow all prevention actions. (See also Uses section.) Tell … effects. Side Effects Diarrhea, headache, trouble sleeping, back pain, or change in the color of skin on your palms or soles …
… be used for the shortest possible length of time at the lowest effective dose, so you can obtain the benefits and … breakthrough bleeding, prolonged/returning bleeding) yellowing eyes/skin stomach/abdominal pain worsening of a seizure condition muscle weakness signs …
Health topics
… more about reducing risk if you use cannabis, please visit Lower Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines, Canadian Research … under careful psychiatric monitoring You have a history of low blood flow to vessels that supply the heart, known as … include: Relaxed or intoxicated ("high") Less chronic pain or nerve (neuropathic) pain Hungry so you eat more Less …
Health topics
… early. If the cancer is not completely removed, it may come back. The doctor uses medicine to numb the area around the … of using excision to remove skin cancers include the following: The wound may bleed, cause pain, or become infected. Scarring may occur. A skin graft …
Health topics
… may feel cramps when you have the shot. You may also get pain medicine. Your doctor will put a device with a fine … Depending on the biopsy results, you will have regular follow-up testing with HPV tests, Pap tests, or colposcopic … remove all the abnormal cells. But abnormal cells may come back in the future. Risks Most people don't have problems …
Health topics
… and use a polishing compound. Cleanings usually aren't painful. Occasionally your dentist will want to take X-rays. … dentist will put a sealant on the chewing surface of your back teeth to help prevent cavities. Sealants keep food and … dentist will put a sealant on the chewing surface of your back teeth to help prevent cavities. Sealants keep food and …
Health topics
… tossed his pack of cigarettes to a friend and hasn't looked back. Nate started smoking in his teens with friends from … to find out what the problem was. Finally it was the throat pain that helped Nate give up smoking for good. Dealing with … tossed his pack of cigarettes to a friend and hasn't looked back. Nate started smoking in his teens with friends from …
Health topics
… morphine and methadone, which were prescribed to him for pain. And he's coming off the antidepressant medicines he's … No one talked about PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder] back then, he says. "They called it something like a … No one talked about PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder] back then, he says. "They called it something like a …
Health topics
… of the belly (peritoneum). What To Expect You may have mild back pain during peritoneal dialysis. Or you may feel like your … it's important to take your medicines as instructed and follow your eating plan. Risks The most common complications …