4353 results found
… the risk of fungal infections in people with fevers and low white blood cell (neutrophil) counts or people with … given once a day or every other day. It should be injected slowly over 2 to 6 hours. Your doctor may give you a smaller … if you have any serious side effects, including: swelling/pain at injection site muscle/joint pain unusual tiredness …
… of properly. Side Effects Injection site reactions (such as pain, redness, irritation, swelling), headache, tiredness, … polymyxin B If your doctor has directed you to take low-dose aspirin for heart attack or stroke prevention … polymyxin B If your doctor has directed you to take low-dose aspirin for heart attack or stroke prevention …
… (tremor), trouble sleeping, headache, nausea, vomiting, or pain at the injection site may occur. If any of these … angina, previous heart attack) high blood pressure seizure low blood potassium level (hypokalemia) This drug may make … pollen, pet dander, dust, or molds. Learn to use a peak flow meter, use it daily, and promptly report worsening …
… of calcium. Calcitonin is a man-made hormone that works by slowing bone loss and maintaining normal calcium levels in the blood. It may also help to reduce bone pain in people who have Paget's disease. How To Use This … on weight. It is recommended to use this medication at the lowest effective dosage and for the shortest possible …
Health topics
… How Much Is Smoking Costing You? LSD Making a Plan to Cut Back on Alcohol Use Male Condoms Male Genital Problems and … Insomnia: Improving Your Sleep Menstrual Cramps: Relieving Pain Quitting Smoking: Coping With Cravings and Withdrawal … How Much Is Smoking Costing You? LSD Making a Plan to Cut Back on Alcohol Use Male Condoms Male Genital Problems and …
Medical tests
… its inner fluid chambers (ventricles). Cerebrospinal fluid flows through these chambers. This test is most commonly done … care unit (NICU). Your baby will lie on his or her back. A device called a transducer is moved across the soft … 15 to 30 minutes. How It Feels This test doesn't cause any pain or discomfort for your baby. Risks There are no known …
Health topics
… to help you fight off infection. Give you more energy, and lower your stress. Help you make sense of your emotional … experiences, improve your mood, and manage your feelings of pain and stress. Scientific research backs this up: The more you laugh, the better you'll feel …
Health topics
… a therapeutic ball or child's beach ball. Or use a throw pillow. Program C: Seated Exercises With Elastic Bands and Soup … the progress you've made, and give yourself a pat on the back. For general information about becoming more active, … minor soreness or stiffness is to be expected at first, but pain is a warning sign to stop. COPD …
Health topics
… allergy medicine may help with some symptoms. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Managing your allergies … eyes ("allergic shiners"). Drainage from the nose down the back of the throat (post-nasal drip). Sore throat or … Allegra) or loratadine (such as Claritin). To help relieve pain, try acetaminophen or ibuprofen. How can you prevent …
Health topics
… or pick up things. In most cases, Dupuytren's doesn't cause pain. You may not even notice it until you develop a contracture. The disease usually gets worse slowly. In many people, it never causes major problems. How … can also massage your hand and gently stretch the fingers back a couple times a day. Also, try to avoid curling your …