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4353 results found
Health topics
… What are the symptoms? Symptoms of jock itch include the following: Itching and pain are common. A rash is on the groin, skin folds, inner … at any infection that does not go away, is severe, or comes back. To treat jock itch, follow these steps: Wash the rash …
Health topics
… anemia or osteoporosis . In children, celiac disease can slow growth and weaken bones. If it isn't treated, your child … loss. Feeling very tired. Weakness. Tingling, numbness, or pain in the hands or feet ( neuropathy ). Some people vomit … wheat-rye cross), or oats. Oats may later be slowly brought back into the diet. Avoiding beer unless it's gluten-free. …
Health topics
… learn to adapt and still enjoy my life" or "This is a setback for me, but I can recover from it if I give myself … you're telling your brain to produce chemicals that can: Lower your blood pressure. Reduce your risk for heart … Help you avoid stomach problems, insomnia, and back pain. Make you feel happier and more optimistic about the …
Health topics
… This is called being immune. But valley fever can come back again in people who have weak immune systems and can't … or influenza (flu). You may have a fever, chills, chest pain, a dry cough, and a rash. The time from contact with … make sure you are getting better, it's important to have follow-up visits with your doctor. You may have a chest X-ray …
Health topics
… or flesh-coloured. Most moles are harmless and do not cause pain or other symptoms, unless you rub them or they bump … cut to remove the entire mole and prevent it from growing back. This cut may require stitches. Freezing it with liquid … cut to remove the entire mole and prevent it from growing back. This cut may require stitches. Freezing it with liquid …
Health topics
… your baby’s temperature changes throughout the day. It’s lowest in the early morning and highest in the early … the brain and liver. Signs of fever in your baby are: The back of the neck feels hot, even when extra clothing is … thrush on their diaper area. Most babies don’t experience pain or complications with thrush, however thrush can be …
Health topics
… are an option after your child has molar teeth in the back of the mouth. Teach your child how to swallow tablets or pills. By the age of 10, your child may be able to swallow a pill. Here are some tips to share with your child as …
Health topics
… use is a goal, then knowing what you'll gain by cutting back on or not drinking can help keep you motivated. Take a … Be honest. You may find that you have good reasons to cut back or quit—whatever your goal is. Put a check next to the … statements, you've just created a list of reasons to cut back or stop drinking. Nice work! Take a closer look at some …
… relieves symptoms such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and cough. It helps heal acid damage to the stomach … Side Effects Headache or diarrhea may occur. Redness, pain, or swelling at the injection site may also occur. If … you have any serious side effects, including: symptoms of a low magnesium blood level (such as muscle spasms, irregular …
… by your doctor, usually 3 or 4 times a day. It is injected slowly into a vein over 1 hour. The dosage is based on your … go away, fever) easy bruising/bleeding stomach/abdominal pain painful urination Get medical help right away if you … of: liver disease kidney disease certain blood disorders (low blood cell counts) swelling (edema) a certain rare …