4353 results found
… the amount of testosterone that the body makes. This helps slow or stop the growth of cancer cells and helps relieve symptoms such as painful/difficult urination. Talk to your doctor about the … by your doctor, usually once every 4 months. This product slowly releases the medication into your blood over a 4-month …
… the amount of testosterone that the body makes. This helps slow or stop the growth of cancer cells and helps relieve symptoms such as painful/difficult urination. Talk to your doctor about the … doctor, usually once a month (every 4 weeks). This product slowly releases the medication into your blood over a 1-month …
… It relieves symptoms such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and cough. This medication helps heal acid damage to … Effects See also Precautions section. Headache or abdominal pain may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, … you have any serious side effects, including: symptoms of a low magnesium blood level (such as muscle spasms, irregular …
… from NSAID treatment. Female patients must meet the following four requirements in order to use this drug: 1) test … of these rare but serious side effects: stomach/abdominal pain that doesn't go away, black/tarry stools, vomit that … for at least 10 minutes after taking this medication. Swallow the tablets whole. Do not crush, chew, or dissolve the …
… in this medication, along with a diet rich in folate, lowers this risk if you become pregnant while taking this … your periods more regular, and may decrease blood loss, painful periods, and the risk of ovarian cysts. Using this … on the first day of your period, you do not need to use back-up birth control the first week. Ask your doctor or …
Health topics
… sections of your coronary arteries. This bypass surgery allows more blood to reach your heart muscle. Your medical … itself. Your coronary arteries lie on both the front and back surfaces of the heart. Harvesting a vein to use as a … the LIMA and RIMA are more accustomed to a forceful blood flow than a saphenous vein. (Veins carry blood from the body …
Health topics
… your concentration, or boost your energy when you have low energy. To be part of the group, by joining your friends … energy as the level of carbon monoxide in your blood drops back to normal, making room for more oxygen. Within weeks … your risks of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke are lower. After 10 years, your risk of lung cancer is cut by …
Health topics
… This topic can give you some general ideas about how to follow the diet your doctor or dietitian recommends. Note : … if you are on dialysis or have had a kidney transplant. Follow the special diet your doctor gave you. Most people who … as needed. How to eat when you have kidney disease The following are general food guidelines for people who have …
… Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include any of the following: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the … extreme tiredness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, muscle aches/pain, joint pain, sore throat, mouth … you already had, possibly causing disease symptoms to come back. You could also have symptoms if your immune system …
Medical tests
… you have a fetal ultrasound . For the tests, you will lie back on a padded examination table. If you become short of breath or light-headed while lying on your back, say so. The technician can help you change your … take about 30 to 60 minutes. How It Feels Lying on your back (or side) during the test may be uncomfortable. During …