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4353 results found
Health topics
… have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this … that they would prolong your life artificially and not allow you to die naturally. CPR doesn't always work to resuscitate people, or "bring them back." And the older and sicker you are, the less likely it …
… etanercept works by blocking the immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. This may make you … that doesn't go away, unusual lumps/growths, swollen or painful abdomen, unexplained weight loss, or night sweats. … If stored at room temperature, do not place this medication back in the refrigerator. Keep all medications away from …
… thereby decreasing the blood supply to the tumor and slowing tumor growth. This monograph is about the following … severe dizziness, nausea/vomiting, shaking, or chest pain. Your health care professional will monitor you closely … unusual tiredness/weakness, severe headache, sudden/severe back pain, fever. This medication may also cause wounds to …
Health topics
… occur and the level of shock needed to bring your heart back to a normal rate. Checks to see whether the ICD has … around your device, such as swelling, warmth, redness, and pain. An unexplained fever. Drive and travel safely. After … level of exercise. If you get a shock during sex, you follow your plan about when to call your doctor. If you get a …
Health topics
… a conflict with a co-worker and think, "That's going to get back to my boss, and I sure won't get promoted now." It's … beating yourself up about a mistake you made, take a step back. Try kind and encouraging self-talk instead. You can … a conflict with a co-worker and think, "That's going to get back to my boss, and I sure won't get promoted now." It's …
Health topics
… the eyelid, ear, or nose. For skin cancers that have come back after surgery (recurrent). To relieve symptoms but not … of radiation therapy to treat skin cancer include the following: New skin cancers may occur in the surrounding area. … of radiation therapy to treat skin cancer include the following: New skin cancers may occur in the surrounding area. …
Health topics
… toward the cervix include: Propping up your hips by lying back on a firm surface with your feet on the floor and your … Raise your hips up by about 30 cm (12 in.) using large pillows (such as couch cushions) placed under your lower back and buttocks. Raising your hips by lying on a …
Health topics
… tired, and I got tired of being tired." Instead of going back to his doctor, Tyrell just stopped taking his pills. … But this time, instead of not taking his pills, he went back to the doctor yet again. His new combination of blood … tired, and I got tired of being tired." Instead of going back to his doctor, Tyrell just stopped taking his pills. …
Health topics
… work equally well. Both can keep cancer from coming back in women who have early-stage breast cancer. Risks … finish treatment. But it may take longer to get your energy back. Some side effects may occur months or years after … work equally well. Both can keep cancer from coming back in women who have early-stage breast cancer. Risks …
Health topics
… Health Tools What Increases Your Risk Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … ovarian cancer may include bloating. They may also include pain in the belly or pelvis, trouble eating or feeling full … symptoms of ovarian cancer include: Fatigue. Indigestion. Back pain. Pain with intercourse. Constipation. Menstrual …