4353 results found
Health topics
… the bedpan against their bottom, and then help them turn back onto the bedpan. If you can leave the person alone … well, and put on gloves. Have the person you're caring for lower or unzip their pants. Offer help if needed. Helping … urinal Ask the person to position the urinal so urine will flow into it. If needed, help them spread their legs and …
Health topics
… be dangerous. Taking too much can cause: Trouble breathing. Low blood pressure. A low heart rate. A coma. Death. Many people with this … You may have opioid use disorder if two or more of the following are true. The more signs of this disorder you have, …
Medical tests
… able to make normal amounts of prolactin so levels will be lower. Why It Is Done A test for prolactin is done: To find … may be checked when a man's testosterone levels are really low. To see whether a tumour in the pituitary gland (called … be done to confirm whether a tumour is present. A normal or low prolactin level does not always mean there is no …
Health topics
… For each item in the list, the generic name is first, followed by any brand names. metformin (Glucophage) long-acting … effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or change to a different medicine. Always be … about metformin? Cautions for metformin include the following: Contrast dyes used in X-rays, scans, and surgeries …
Health topics
… For each item in the list, the generic name is first, followed by any brand names. atenolol (Tenormin) carvedilol … They relax blood vessels and make your heart beat more slowly and with less force. They lower blood pressure. Beta-blockers may be used if you have: …
Health topics
… Overview With planning and thoughtful choices, you can follow your meal plan for diabetes when you eat away from home, … but they can make it easier to overeat. Make your meals lower in fat. Before you order, find out how the food is … are broiled, poached, grilled, baked, or steamed tend to be lower in fat than foods that are fried. Limit foods that are …
Health topics
… have very high blood sugar in the morning, even if it was low at bedtime. This could be caused by the dawn phenomenon. … prevent high blood sugar? High blood sugar usually happens slowly over hours or days. But it can also happen quickly (in … especially important when your child is sick or is not following a normal routine. A child may not have symptoms of …
HealthLinkBC files
… Lead paint and hazards Last updated September 1, 2017 HealthLink … and scientific research shows that absorption of even very low levels of lead into the blood may have harmful health … health risks. Before you begin renovations, consider the following information in order to minimize the health risks to …
Health topics
… child has other symptoms, such as crying or complaining of pain when urinating, sudden strong urges to urinate, or … first. What Increases Your Risk Children who develop at a slower rate than other children during the first 3 years of … often than usual. Crying or complaining when urinating. Back pain. Belly pain. Fever. Your child age 4 or older is …
… in your body so your immune system can work better. This lowers your chance of getting HIV complications (such as new … you already had, possibly causing disease symptoms to come back. You could also have symptoms if your immune system … go away headaches that are severe or don't go away joint pain numbness/tingling of the hands/feet/arms/legs vision …