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4353 results found
Health topics
… months. They may feel out of control and eat until they are painfully full. Some people who binge have a normal weight. … of an eating disorder. Struggling with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, or obsessive behaviours. Feeling a need to … for their actions, both successes and setbacks. Offer support during times of discouragement. Do not …
Health topics
… the time-out. Tell each other what time you will come back. While you are taking a time-out, don't focus on how … will talk things over and solve the problem. After you come back: Take turns talking about solutions to the problem. … the time-out. Tell each other what time you will come back. While you are taking a time-out, don't focus on how …
Health topics
… during pregnancy. That's because there is more blood flow to the tissue inside the nose (mucous membranes) when … to help prevent nosebleeds, such as using a humidifier. Follow the directions for cleaning the machine. You also have … and tip your head slightly forward. Do not tilt your head back. This may cause blood to run down the back of your …
Health topics
… weeks, when your risks for miscarriage and early labour are lowest. Check with your doctor before you travel. Ask your … any long car trips. Always wear your seat belt. Strap the lower belt across your lap, under your belly. Remove any … your belly. Use air bags properly. Slide the seat as far back as possible. Tilt the seat back slightly to increase …
Health topics
… disorder. For example, you may: Try but fail to quit or cut back on gambling. Need to gamble more money to get the same … to others about your gambling. Gamble more to try to get back money you've lost. (This is called chasing your … disorder. For example, you may: Try but fail to quit or cut back on gambling. Need to gamble more money to get the same …
Health topics
… an opinion from a health professional with a different background. When getting a second opinion, follow these steps: Ask your provincial health plan if it … But sometimes doctors disagree. Even when doctors follow the same guidelines, there may be more than one …
Health topics
… of muscles. These include the muscles of your arms, your back, your hips, the front and back of your thighs, and your calves. Stretch slowly and regularly to help yourself be more flexible. … front and back of your thighs, and your calves. Stretch slowly and regularly to help yourself be more flexible. …
Health topics
… Injuries Caused by Ultraviolet (UV) Light Eye Injuries: Blow to the Eye Eye Injury: First Aid for a Black Eye Eye … Nearsightedness Living With More Than One Health Problem Low-Vision Accommodations in Your Home Mitochondrial … Glaucoma Types of Contact Lenses Using Eye Ointment Using Low-Vision Aids at Home Vision Loss Evaluation Vision …
HealthLinkBC files
… are vulnerable to developing infections. CPO are usually a low risk and rarely cause an infection in healthy people. If … or eating food. People identified as having a CPO should follow these instructions to prevent CPO from spreading to … you are healthy your chances of becoming sick with CPO are low. You may be at higher risk if you have had long-term, …
Health topics
… foods, such as cut-up, bagged, fresh vegetables or lower-calorie or lower-sodium frozen foods. Shop healthy. At the store, use … you are selecting items from your list, try to choose foods lower in fat, calories, and/or sodium if possible. For …