4353 results found
Health topics
… have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this … you get older. In general, women younger than 50 are at a lower risk for breast cancer. Because of this, women ages 50 … travel a lot for my job, and my days are often crammed with back-to-back meetings, so trying to schedule a mammogram is …
Health topics
… have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this … may be changed every few days. Having an IV inserted can be painful. IV fluids can cause swelling in your arms and legs, … way, your beliefs matter. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Get the Facts." You may feel that these …
Health topics
… have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this … if you and your doctor have determined that you have a very low risk for getting HIV. HIV may not cause symptoms early … will multiply in your body. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Get the Facts." You could have HIV and not …
… States, you must understand, agree to, and carefully follow the requirements of the Riociguat REMS Program. If you … and widening the blood vessels in your lungs so blood can flow more easily. Decreasing high blood pressure in the lungs … include: aminophylline certain drugs used to treat chest pain/angina or high blood pressure (nitrates such as …
Health topics
… recommendations for heart failure are not closely followed. Medicine and diet therapy are most effective when … treatment of heart failure. Taking your medicines and following the diet your doctor has recommended for you will … than 2,000 mg each day. Healthy Eating: Eating Less Sodium Low-Salt Diets: Eating Out Fluid Fluid intake is not …
Health topics
… tasks. Some of the ways in which you can help are listed below. Shopping for and preparing food. Many people with … house on their own to shop for food. You can help shop for low-fat, low-salt, and low-cholesterol foods. Also, you may be …
Health topics
… to return to normal. Also, the infection tends to come back after treatment. It may come and go over the years. In … of things you can do so that it is less likely to come back. Use antifungal skin creams, shampoos, or solutions at … to return to normal. Also, the infection tends to come back after treatment. It may come and go over the years. In …
Health topics
… has hair. But it is most common on the beard area, arms, back, buttocks, and legs. What causes it? It may be caused … right away with soap. If you own your own hot tub, follow the manufacturer's instructions for keeping it clean. … right away with soap. If you own your own hot tub, follow the manufacturer's instructions for keeping it clean. …
Medical tests
… be removed. It sticks to grooves and biting surfaces of the back teeth, between the teeth, and next to the gum line. … your teeth. Then you will use the disclosing product. Follow the instructions on the package. Gently rinse your mouth … missing. Disclosing tablets Chew a disclosing tablet and allow it to mix with your saliva. Swish the mixture around in …
Health topics
… from the bottle and touches the eye, do not put the dropper back in the bottle. Buy a new dropper at a drugstore. Do not … a different problem. Using eyedrops To use eyedrops , follow these tips: For older children and adults: While tilting your head back, pull the lower eyelid down with one or two fingers to create a small …