4353 results found
Health topics
… (ECT) . Doctors will try to find the best way to get you back to your family and community as soon as possible. For … (ECT) . Doctors will try to find the best way to get you back to your family and community as soon as possible. For …
Health topics
… levodopa don't last as long as they used to. Symptoms come back before the next dose of levodopa. These changes can be … levodopa don't last as long as they used to. Symptoms come back before the next dose of levodopa. These changes can be …
Health topics
… and language as these skills emerge. While they do not hold back out of laziness, they may do so because of … and language as these skills emerge. While they do not hold back out of laziness, they may do so because of …
Health topics
… After calling 9-1-1 or other emergency medical services, follow these first aid steps. Move the person into a cool … sponging or spraying cold water, and fan the person to help lower the person's body temperature. Watch for signs of … difficulty breathing. Apply ice packs to the neck, groin, back, and armpits. If a child has stopped breathing, begin …
Health topics
… language structures. From ages 6 to 10, children slowly start to think in more complex ways. This growth helps … of what adults discuss with them. Ask your child to repeat back what you have said. This will give you a sense of how … language structures. From ages 6 to 10, children slowly start to think in more complex ways. This growth helps …
Health topics
… done to remove lymph nodes that may be cancerous from the lower back and pelvis. During the early phases of stage I … by the surgery. In retrograde ejaculation, the semen flows from the prostate gland into the bladder rather than …
Health topics
… that you are interested in what he says by repeating it back Look at family pictures with your toddler and use …
Health topics
… than a bottle. Your baby may have difficulty switching back and forth between the bottle and breast as the sucking …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics What is vulvodynia? Vulvodynia is pain in the vulva that can't be explained by another health … medicines, and nerve blocks. Physiotherapy and biofeedback . Specific exercises can help you learn how to control … moisture close to the skin. This may cause irritation and allow an infection to start. Avoid hot baths, and don't use …
Health topics
… and carrying out routine tasks. They may have trouble following a recipe or writing a letter or email. What Happens … brain that is affected. Some types of dementia progress slowly over several years. Other types may progress more … including poor sleep, medicine side effects, confusion, and pain. Your doctor may be able to help you. Plan for the …