5006 results found
Health topics
… needs. Colostrum. Your breasts make this thick, sticky, yellow liquid toward the end of pregnancy and in the first days … It has more fat and less protein than transitional milk. Low milk supply It's common to worry about not making enough milk. But low milk supply is rare. It may take time for your milk …
… and to prevent the ulcers from returning. Treating an ulcer reduces the risk of serious damage to the lining of the … usually 1 dose (4 pills) twice daily before a meal. Swallow the lansoprazole capsules whole. Do not crush or chew. … (such as rash on nose and cheeks, new or worsening joint pain) Get medical help right away if you have any very …
… types of cancer. It is a chemotherapy drug that is used to slow or stop cancer cell growth. How To Use This medication … that is severe or doesn't stop, abdominal or stomach pain/cramping, or blood/mucus in your stool. Temporary hair … sometimes occur with fluorouracil use. You can prevent or reduce these problems by protecting your hands and feet from …
Health topics
… does this test take? How will I feel during the test? Is it painful? Will I need to arrange for someone to take me home … I will be notified about my test results: Date for a follow-up appointment: After the test, what will be the next … I will be notified about my test results: Date for a follow-up appointment: After the test, what will be the next …
Medical tests
… A small amount of a suspected allergen is placed on or below the skin to see if a reaction develops. There are three … or tricyclic antidepressant, that may prevent or reduce a reaction to a substance even when a person is … intradermal test will: Clean the test site (usually on your back or arm) with alcohol. Place drops of the allergens on …
Health topics
… protein , albumin , bilirubin , and liver enzymes . High or low levels may mean that liver damage or disease is present. … disease. These symptoms include fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, yellowing of your eyes or skin ( jaundice ), dark yellow urine, …
Health topics
… It may leave bruises, cuts, or other marks and cause pain, broken bones, or internal injuries. Emotional abuse. … such as blindness or being confined to a wheelchair. Below-average intelligence . Developmental delays . A … care. This may include getting permission for a police background check. Teach your child the difference between …
Health topics
… drugs? Alcohol and drugs target a part of the brain that allows people to feel pleasure. This causes the brain to … substance wears off. Or he or she may be more sensitive to pain, have sleep problems, lose interest in everyday … people crave more of the substance to get the good feeling back. Over time, the brain adjusts to the substance by …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Use the following tips to protect your skin from the sun. You may … If your shadow is longer than you, then UV exposure is low. If your shadow is shorter than you, then UV exposure is … to all exposed skin, including the nose, lips, ears, scalp, back of the hands, and neck. Apply sunscreen 30 minutes …
… or gets worse. Side Effects Headache, dizziness, muscle pain, nausea, or diarrhea may occur. If you are being … promptly. To reduce dizziness upon standing, get up slowly when rising from a sitting or lying position. Remember … away if you have any serious side effects, including: neck/back pain swelling face/arms/hands/feet chest pain fast …