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… It is also used with aspirin to treat new/worsening chest pain (new heart attack, unstable angina) and to keep blood … clots. It is an antiplatelet drug. It helps keep blood flowing smoothly in your body. Other Uses This section … health care professional. This drug may also be used to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in people with …
Health topics
… from others. It's more than normal sadness, grief, or low energy. Treatment can help you enjoy life again. What is … see suicide as a way to solve their problems or end their pain. Other symptoms of depression, besides suicidal … from others. It's more than normal sadness, grief, or low energy. Treatment can help you enjoy life again. What is …
Health topics
… you plan for these changes. Eat healthy snacks to prevent low blood sugar. Your body is using energy to make breast milk, so you might have more low blood sugars. Eat a snack before or while you nurse or … to breastfeed at least 2 hours after you have a drink to reduce the amount of alcohol the baby may get in the milk. …
… in the gut. Aluminum and magnesium antacids work quickly to lower the acid in the stomach. Liquid antacids usually work … It may be used alone or with other medications that lower acid production (including H2 blockers such as … mental/mood changes (such as confusion) deep sleep pain with urination A very serious allergic reaction to this …
Health topics
… vary daily and from season to season. So you may want to follow up the first short-term test with a second test. The … Canada recommends placing the test kit in your home on the lowest level that you regularly use. If you have questions … from Health Canada by calling 1-855-809-6966. How do you reduce high levels of radon? If tests find a high level of …
Health topics
… well or if the weather is hot. Avoid risky sports like horseback or motorcycle riding, water-skiing, and scuba diving. … substances. Do not smoke. Smoking increases the risk of low birth weight and fetal death. If you smoke, talk with … is safe during pregnancy. Avoid strong chemicals such as paints, household cleaners, and pesticides. Think safety …
… treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and prevent chest pain (angina). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart … relaxing blood vessels in the body and heart so blood can flow more easily. Diltiazem also lowers your heart rate. …
… treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and prevent chest pain (angina). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart … relaxing blood vessels in the body and heart so blood can flow more easily. Diltiazem also lowers your heart rate. …
… treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and prevent chest pain (angina). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart … relaxing blood vessels in the body and heart so blood can flow more easily. Diltiazem also lowers your heart rate. …
Health topics
… If your doctor recommends it, measure your peak expiratory flow (PEF), or "peak flow." A trigger may not always cause symptoms. But it can … substances. Skin testing involves pricking the skin on your back or arms with one or more small doses of specific …