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Health topics
… always harmless. They are found most often on the chest or back. Sometimes they're on the scalp, face, or neck. They … may cause your skin and the whites of your eyes to turn yellow ( jaundice ). Lyme disease , which causes reactions from … hives. Itching. Swelling. Trouble breathing. Mild belly pain or nausea. Skin changes are a common side effect of …
… in your body so your immune system can work better. This lowers your chance of getting HIV complications (such as new … that doesn't stop, loss of appetite, stomach/abdominal pain, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine) signs of kidney … you already had, possibly causing disease symptoms to come back. You could also have symptoms if your immune system …
… in your body so your immune system can work better. This lowers your chance of getting HIV complications (such as new … that doesn't stop, loss of appetite, stomach/abdominal pain, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine) signs of kidney … you already had, possibly causing disease symptoms to come back. You could also have symptoms if your immune system …
… tell your doctor if you have heart disease, chest pain (angina), or have had a heart attack or stroke in the … sudden severe headache. Uses Febuxostat is used to lower uric acid levels in people with gout. Febuxostat works … with a medication called allopurinol did not work to lower your uric acid level, caused serious side effects, or …
Health features
… The intensity may be mild, moderate or severe. Read the following topics to learn more about asthma: Assessing your … Symptoms of difficulty breathing Asthma: Peak expiratory flow and personal best Challenge tests for asthma … and facts Living with asthma Practicing prevention can reduce asthma attacks and reduce illness. Prevention can …
Health topics
… spinal cord. These nerve cells control the muscles that allow movement. As ALS gets worse, it often becomes harder to … or stiffness, improve appetite, and relieve depression and pain. ALS is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease or motor … muscles as long as you can. Talk to a physiotherapist about exercises you can do. Eat small, frequent meals. Choose soft …
Health topics
… are concerned about your relationship, ask yourself the following questions. Does your partner: Embarrass you with … . Post-traumatic stress disorder . Headaches, chronic neck pain, chronic back pain, and pelvic pain. Digestive problems (irritable …
… bowel syndrome with diarrhea, or IBS-D). It works by slowing down the motion in your gut. This effect helps lessen symptoms such as belly pain and diarrhea. How To Use Read the Medication Guide … suddenly worse stomach/abdominal pain that may move to your back or shoulder) A very serious allergic reaction to this …
Health topics
… (LVRS), a large area of damaged lung is removed to allow the remaining lung tissue to expand when you breathe in. … to exercise and may result in fewer symptoms. LVRS also can reduce the number of COPD exacerbations for some people. … , 177(2): 164–169. Naunheim KS, et al. (2006). Long-term follow-up of patients receiving lung-volume-reduction surgery …
Health topics
… abnormal pelvic organ, such as the uterus or ovaries. Very low or very high body weight. Eating disorders, such as … abnormal pelvic organ, such as the uterus or ovaries. Very low or very high body weight. Eating disorders, such as …