5006 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… decay can spread deeper into the tooth. The decay can cause pain and infection, and can even damage the underlying adult … to be removed. What can contribute to tooth decay? The following factors may contribute to early childhood tooth … bacteria from family members through the saliva. You can reduce the chance of passing cavity-causing bacteria to your …
Health topics
… isn't working properly. These symptoms include the following: Your heartbeat is very fast or slow, skipping, or fluttering. You feel dizzy, light-headed, … around your device, such as swelling, warmth, redness, and pain. An unexplained fever. Current as of: September …
… health needs. Warning Desmopressin can rarely cause a low level of sodium in the blood (hyponatremia), which can … having certain medical conditions may increase the risk of low sodium in the blood. Lab tests (such as urine tests, … nausea, upset stomach, flushing of the face, or redness/pain/swelling at the injection site may occur. If any of …
Health topics
… symptoms or worsen his or her symptoms. The athlete should slowly progress through the following levels of activity: footnote 1 , footnote 2 Limited … If one or more symptoms return, the player needs to go back to the previous level of activity with no symptoms for …
Health topics
… For example, ask "Would you like me to do your breathing exercises with you?" instead of "You need to do your … loved one boost their appetite. Your loved one may have a low appetite or need some encouragement to eat regularly. To … you enjoy. For example, make time to read, listen to music, paint, do crafts, or play an instrument—even if you can only …
Health topics
… and involve only one nostril. Some blood may drain down the back of the nose into the throat. Many things may make a … Changes in the environment, such as: Cold, dry climates; low humidity. High altitude. Chemical fumes. Smoke. Injury to the nose, such as: Hitting or bumping the nose. Blowing or picking the nose. Piercing the nose. An object in …
HealthLinkBC files
… side of the stomach area, dark urine, pale stools, joint pain and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). Many people who get hepatitis … for chronic HBV infection, but there is treatment that can reduce the risk of serious complications such as damage to …
Health topics
… failure because of a problem with the left ventricle. But reduced function of the right ventricle can also occur in … may cause the right side of the heart to weaken. Blood backs up behind the left ventricle into the left atrium, in … which may not pump blood as well as normal. This allows blood to then back up farther into the extremities, the …
… eye exam 3 to 6 months after stopping this medication. Follow your doctor's directions carefully and keep all … blurred vision, double vision, sensitivity to light, eye pain). To receive this medication in the United States, you must understand, agree to, and carefully follow the requirements of the Vigabatrin REMS Program. If you …
… that doesn't stop, loss of appetite, stomach/abdominal pain, stomach/abdominal swelling, dark urine, yellowing eyes/skin, mental/mood changes). Talk with your … of this medication. Uses This medication is used to treat low platelet levels in people who have a certain blood …