5006 results found
Medical tests
… uses ultrasound to measure the thickness of the skin at the back of the baby's neck. This screening also includes blood … ultrasound tech if your bladder is so full that you are in pain. If an ultrasound is done during the later part of … early in pregnancy.) Abnormal: The fetus is growing more slowly than normal, is small, or is less developed than it …
HealthLinkBC files
… Creating a safe sleeping environment for your baby will reduce the risk of injuries and sleep related infant death, … (SIDS). Babies are safest when placed to sleep: On their backs In their own sleep space In a safe crib, cradle, … a firm surface that is free from hazards like blankets, pillows and toys In a home that is smoke free At the right …
Health topics
… is important for older adults to help them stay strong and reduce the risk of disease. But as you get older, it can be … if there are programs in your community that offer free or low-cost meals. Buy low-cost nutritious foods, like dried beans, rice, and …
Health topics
… have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this … as harmful and tries to destroy it. Careful testing helps reduce the risk for these problems. There are risks from … or receive donated blood. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "How likely are you to have a reaction to a …
… and intestines and to prevent intestinal ulcers from coming back after they have healed. This medication is also used to … symptoms such as cough that doesn't go away, stomach pain, heartburn, and difficulty swallowing. Famotidine belongs to a class of drugs known as H2 …
… class of drugs known as monoclonal antibodies. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. Hyaluronidase … Side Effects See also How to Use section. Tiredness, back pain, joint pain, diarrhea/constipation, trouble sleeping, …
… plaques in plaque psoriasis, decrease the number of swollen/painful joints in psoriatic arthritis, and decrease symptoms … as directed by your doctor. You will receive one dose, followed by a second dose 4 weeks later. Then this medication … site reactions usually go away after 1 or 2 days. Headache, back pain, or sinus/throat pain may also occur. If any of …
Health topics
… fast and deep breathing, breath that smells fruity, belly pain, not feeling hungry, vomiting, and feeling confused. … fluids treat dehydration and balance electrolytes. Insulin lowers blood sugar and keeps the body from producing ketones … High Blood Sugar Emergencies Diabetes-Related High and Low Blood Sugar Levels Sick-Day Guidelines for People With …
… azelastine/fluticasone and each time you get a refill. Follow the illustrated directions for the proper use of this … have any serious side effects, including: severe nosebleeds pain in your nose a whistling sound when you breathe eye … throat that doesn't go away, white patches in your nose/back of your throat, fever, chills) Rarely, it is possible …
… a certain bowel disease (ulcerative colitis). It helps to reduce symptoms of ulcerative colitis such as diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and stomach pain. Mesalamine belongs to a class of drugs known as … food as directed by your doctor, usually 3 times daily. Swallow this medication whole. Do not crush, chew, or break. …