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Health topics
… skin, while the inner part presses against your skin and slowly releases nicotine into your skin. Patches may also … your waist, such as your upper arm, your shoulder, or your back. Do not apply the patch to the same place over and over … Find several locations and rotate among them. This will reduce problems with skin irritation. Change the patch every …
Health topics
… can you avoid exposure to outdoor allergens? Pollens The following tips can help you avoid pollens, even if you don't … a pollen or dust mask while you mow. Avoid bringing pollen back into your home when you go outdoors. Take a shower and … compost from the areas close to your home. Use products to reduce the mould that can grow in your car air conditioner. …
Health features
… contact with other people until you feel well enough to get back to your usual day-to-day activities. The symptoms of … To learn about influenza vaccinations, click on the links below. Inactivated influenza (flu) vaccine (HealthLinkBC File … services, and diagnostic and treatment services to reduce communicable and chronic diseases, injuries and …
Health topics
… children learn that their opinions can make a difference. Allowing children and teens a voice may help reduce their rebellion and anger toward their parents. Plan … discussions, and another records the meeting and reports back at the next meeting. Parents can assume these roles in …
Health topics
… out. If symptoms improve with these methods, put your child back in bed with the humidifier blowing nearby. Do not smoke, especially in the house. If the … methods, put your child back in bed with the humidifier blowing nearby. Do not smoke, especially in the house. If the …
Health topics
… man's facial hair, or on the body, especially the chest and back. What causes it? Usually extra hair growth (hirsutism) … level. Antiandrogens. These are prescription medicines that lower the amount of male sex hormones in your body. Topical … Women who have PCOS and who are overweight may be able to reduce unwanted hair growth by reaching a healthy weight. …
Health topics
… of a tooth and fills the pulp cavity. This can prevent a painful infection in the pulp that may spread to other … until the anesthetic wears off. Later you may have some pain. You can treat it with pain medicines, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or a …
Health topics
… a type of chronic headache that can result from overuse of pain medicines. This is often a problem for people who have frequent, severe headaches. A pain medicine may work for a limited period of time, but as … often worse than it was before. The person then takes more pain medicine, the effects again wear off, and the headache …
Health topics
… began at least 6 months ago, you have had abdominal (belly) pain or discomfort at least 3 days each month in the last 3 months, and at least two of the following statements are true: footnote 1 The pain is relieved … or consistency of your stool. Having any of the following symptoms supports the diagnosis of IBS. A change in …
Health topics
… tasks. Some of the ways in which you can help are listed below. Shopping for and preparing food. Many people with … house on their own to shop for food. You can help shop for low-fat, low-salt, and low-cholesterol foods. Also, you may be …