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Health topics
… vitamin. Make sure it has 0.4 mg folic acid. This will lower the chance of having a baby with a birth defect. Keep … vitamin. Make sure it has 0.4 mg folic acid. This will lower the chance of having a baby with a birth defect. Keep …
Health topics
… as you get stronger. You will likely do several different exercises that work the major muscle groups. Examples … as you get stronger. You will likely do several different exercises that work the major muscle groups. Examples …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Some diuretics can cause low levels of potassium. A delicate balance of potassium is … to properly transmit electrical impulses in the heart. A low potassium level can disrupt the normal electrical … irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). If potassium levels are low, a potassium supplement may be prescribed. Do not start …
Health topics
… nausea and vomiting (morning sickness). Extra weight gain. Backache. A uterus that is larger than expected given your … placenta, such as abruptio placenta or placenta previa . Low iron levels ( anemia ). Too much amniotic fluid in the … offer multifetal pregnancy reduction (MFPR). This procedure reduces the number of fetuses, usually to two. This may help …
… your dose to 2 or 3 times a day over several weeks. A slow increase in your dose will help your doctor find the … promptly. Your doctor may need to adjust your dose to reduce these side effects. To reduce the risk of dizziness … have any of the following symptoms: fever muscle stiffness/pain/tenderness/weakness severe tiredness severe confusion …
Health topics
… that affects your central nervous system. It can cause swallowing difficulties, loss of appetite and digestive issues. …
… to treat certain types of outer ear infections. It helps to reduce swelling, itching, redness, and discomfort in the … dropper, have another person give the drops if possible. To lower the risk of dizziness, hold the container in your hand … roll into the ear of an adult, hold the earlobe up and back. In children, hold the earlobe down and back. Keep the …
Health topics
… Doctors think about cardiac output in terms of the following equation: Cardiac output = stroke volume × heart rate … Doctors think about cardiac output in terms of the following equation: Cardiac output = stroke volume × heart rate …
Health topics
… common migraines. This type of migraine causes a throbbing pain on one side of the head. The pain is moderate to severe … Migraine equivalent is a migraine aura that is not followed by a headache. This form of migraine often happens … Migraine equivalent is a migraine aura that is not followed by a headache. This form of migraine often happens …
Health topics
… to make you sleep. In either case, you will not feel pain. What To Expect Most people are able to go home the … and are closer to the bladder than the kidney (in the lower third of the ureter). But newer technology is allowing ureteroscopy to be used even for small stones in or …