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Health topics
… Giving your child an epinephrine shot can slow down or stop an allergic reaction. That's why it is … the shot usually last 10 to 20 minutes. Symptoms can come back after the shot. So get your child to the emergency room … Giving your child an epinephrine shot can slow down or stop an allergic reaction. That's why it is …
Health topics
… oval patches appear in batches on the abdomen, chest, back, arms, and legs. Patches sometimes spread to the neck … with the doctor first. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Apply a moisturizer or … with the doctor first. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Apply a moisturizer or …
Health topics
… you how to keep track of how much medicine is left. Follow your doctor's or pharmacist's instructions for cleaning … the one pictured. Breathe out completely. Tilt your head back a little, and breathe out slowly and completely. Hold the inhaler away from your mouth …
Health topics
… to your body. For example, is your breathing fast or slow, deep or shallow? Meditation may bring up certain feelings or emotions. … meeting." Then let the thought go, and bring your focus back to the present moment and your breathing. You may do …
Health topics
… come into your house on luggage, furniture, clothing, pillows, boxes, and other objects. The bugs can hide in beds, … prevent an infection. You can: Wash the bites with soap to lower the chance of infection. Use calamine lotion or an … When the bugs are gone, be careful not to bring bedbugs back into your house. Current as of: November 9, …
Health topics
… items that he knows are healthier. He orders salads and lower-fat sandwiches instead of hamburgers, and he drinks … to cook the foods that I already liked," he says. Cooking allows him to have more control over his food choices. "If … He also says he has learned to expect that there will be setbacks as he changes his eating habits. He accepts that …
Health topics
… loosen these parts, and the crib can collapse. Lead-free paint. Older cribs may have paint that has lead in it. … by adjusting the mattress level as your child grows. Start lowering the mattress no later than when your child begins … Using a sleep positioner to hold a baby on their side or back can be dangerous. Keep soft items and loose bedding out …
Health topics
… to child. Some children are advanced. Others develop more slowly. Why do speech and language problems develop in some … or "ooh-ooh-ooh." Babies may also make cooing sounds back to someone who is talking to them. Ages 5 to 6 months … Recognize their own name. Make sounds like "goo" and blow bubbles at the same time. Start to babble or repeat …
Health topics
… math. The most common signs are: Trouble reading, such as slow reading that takes a lot of effort. Trouble writing. Not … Your child also may: Talk later than expected and be slow to learn new words. Find it hard to learn the alphabet, … math. The most common signs are: Trouble reading, such as slow reading that takes a lot of effort. Trouble writing. Not …
Health topics