6047 results found
Health topics
… Information What is sciatica? Sciatica is pain, tingling, or numbness produced by an irritation of the … by the nerve roots coming out of the spinal cord into the lower back. It goes down through the buttock, then its branches …
… amount of time before and after the procedure. Carefully follow your doctor's directions. The risk of bleeding may be … Tell your doctor right away if you notice symptoms such as back pain, leg numbness/tingling/weakness, loss of control of the …
Health topics
… the bones rub against each other. This causes damage and pain. What causes it? When you have arthritis, the cartilage … There is no cure for arthritis. But treatment can help slow or limit the breakdown of cartilage and help you reduce … off the floor, use your hip and knee muscles, not your back. Change activities. If your joints hurt when you do an …
… amount of time before and after the procedure. Carefully follow your doctor's directions. The risk of bleeding may be … Tell your doctor right away if you notice symptoms such as back pain, leg numbness/tingling/weakness, loss of control of the …
Medical tests
… check for: The cause of arm or leg numbness, weakness, or pain. Narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis). A … increase the amount of water you drink before the test. Follow the instructions your doctor gives you about eating and … on an X-ray table. The doctor cleans an area on your lower back. A numbing medicine is put into your skin. After the …
Health topics
… may stick out. Most of the time scoliosis doesn't cause pain in children or teens. How is it diagnosed? Doctors … diagnose scoliosis by checking to see if your child's back or ribs are even. If the doctor finds that one side is … program suggest that your child may have a spinal curve, follow up with your doctor. Most curves that are found through …
… amount of time before and after the procedure. Carefully follow your doctor's directions. The risk of bleeding may be … Tell your doctor right away if you notice symptoms such as back pain, leg numbness/tingling/weakness, loss of control of the …
Health topics
… because of changes taking place within the brain and the spinal cord. Coordination and muscle control advance as the … because of changes taking place within the brain and the spinal cord. Coordination and muscle control advance as the …
… amount of time before and after the procedure. Carefully follow your doctor's directions. The risk of bleeding may be … Tell your doctor right away if you notice symptoms such as back pain, leg numbness/tingling/weakness, loss of control of the …
… amount of time before and after the procedure. Carefully follow your doctor's directions. The risk of bleeding may be … Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms such as back pain, leg numbness/tingling/weakness, loss of control of the …