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6047 results found
… amount of time before and after the procedure. Carefully follow your doctor's directions. The risk of bleeding may be … Tell your doctor right away if you notice symptoms such as back pain, leg numbness/tingling/weakness, loss of control of the …
Health topics
… can help you be more comfortable at work. It can help lower stress and injury caused by awkward positions and … problems such as headaches or eye strain. Reduce neck and back pain. Prevent bursitis or tendon problems that are linked to …
… amount of time before and after the procedure. Carefully follow your doctor's directions. The risk of bleeding may be … Tell your doctor right away if you notice symptoms such as back pain, leg numbness/tingling/weakness, loss of control of the …
Health topics
… system attacks the joints. This causes swollen, stiff, and painful (inflamed) joints, especially in the hands and feet … is. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of RA often develop slowly over weeks or months. Fatigue and stiffness are … rash. Pain that is so severe that you can't use the joint. Back or neck pain along with weakness in your arms or legs. …
Health topics
… tube is put into your bladder through a small cut in your lower belly. The urine collects in a bag attached to the … the drainage bag lower than your bladder to keep urine from backing up. Clean the bag after removing it from the … leaks. You have blood or pus in your urine. You have pain in your back just below your rib cage. This is called …
Health topics
… affects the spine. Ankylosing spondylitis commonly causes pain and stiffness, with limited motion in the low back, middle back, neck, hips, chest wall, and heels. Over …
Health topics
… called an "epidural" for short, is a tiny tube that puts pain medicine directly into the area in your back around your spinal cord. This area is called the … can be used during childbirth to partly or fully numb the lower body. The amount of medicine you get will affect how …
Health topics
… a vertebra . It most often happens in the vertebrae of the lower spine. The wing-shaped parts help keep the vertebrae … are missing or damaged, a vertebra can slide forward or backward over the bone below it, sometimes pressing on the … is called spondylolisthesis . It can cause back or buttock pain and pain that runs from the lower back down one or both …
HealthLinkBC files
… eyes. The lymph nodes located behind the ears and at the back of the neck may swell and feel painful. The rash, which may be itchy, begins first on the … home treatment? After seeing a health care provider, the following home treatment tips may help you to be more …
Health topics
… friends, or doctor. Slip-ups are normal. Expect them, and have a plan for how to get back on track. How do you overcome barriers to healthy … of it such as "I don't like vegetables," "I don't like low-fat foods," or "I really crave sweets and high-fat …