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Health topics
… to help start labour. Oxytocin may also be used to get a slow labour going again. footnote 1 Inducing labour in a … the chance of needing a C-section. Women who try to have a VBAC may be more likely to have a successful vaginal birth if labour is allowed to start on its own (spontaneous labour). footnote 1 …
Health topics
… to be the right fit for you. Find groups of people who have a similar purpose. Maybe you feel called to write … to be the right fit for you. Find groups of people who have a similar purpose. Maybe you feel called to write …
Health topics
… enough fluids, your muscles get tired quickly, and you may have leg cramps while walking or running. If you are an … and other endurance athletes are not the only ones to have problems with dehydration. Football, basketball, and … enough fluids, your muscles get tired quickly, and you may have leg cramps while walking or running. If you are an …
Health topics
… Tony tells it, "I've learned as much from the failure as I have from the success. Maybe more." About 2 years ago, … my doctor said that I needed to take my medicine again to lower my risk. And he couldn't stress enough that staying … my doctor said that I needed to take my medicine again to lower my risk. And he couldn't stress enough that staying …
Health topics
… tube that leads to the uterus. If a woman and a man have unprotected sexual intercourse, sperm that is … the uterine lining from being shed, so the woman does not have a period. Other signs such as breast changes and nausea … tube that leads to the uterus. If a woman and a man have unprotected sexual intercourse, sperm that is …
Health topics
… so they don't get sick and infect you. Do not smoke or allow others to smoke around you. Quitting smoking is the most … is bad. Use air-conditioning in hot weather so you don't have to open windows. Try to keep indoor air clean. Use an … doors. Check flues and chimneys for cracks that could allow fumes into your house. Make sure wood stoves and gas …
Health topics
… syndrome is between the ages of 5 and 13, you will likely have ongoing questions and concerns. Your doctor can help … physical and sexual development, including any concerns you have about menstrual hygiene and management, fertility, and … syndrome is between the ages of 5 and 13, you will likely have ongoing questions and concerns. Your doctor can help …
Health topics
… Information Overview Self-esteem is the core belief people have about themselves. Your self-esteem is reflected in your … you feel good about yourself, such as working out, growing flowers, or going to church. See if you can come up with at … you feel good about yourself, such as working out, growing flowers, or going to church. See if you can come up with at …
Health topics
… teen make good decisions in the future. Using the example below, have your teen help you write the contract. Teens feel more … Risky situations In risky situations, we agree to the following: If offered a substance (alcohol, cigarettes, …
Health topics
… as causing one another. What are the symptoms? People who have periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) have trouble falling or staying asleep (insomnia), or they … as causing one another. What are the symptoms? People who have periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) have trouble …