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6047 results found
Health topics
… of healthier eating. For example: maybe you want to have more energy to do things you enjoy. Or maybe you want … feel different about yourself and your life? Maybe you'd have more energy or feel a little more confident. Or maybe … of healthier eating. For example: maybe you want to have more energy to do things you enjoy. Or maybe you want …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you have one or more children at home, your pregnancy simply … the demands of pregnancy and parenting, consider the following: Your health is a top priority. You are eating, … get ready for a new baby: Hold and cuddle your child. Allow him or her to help choose the baby's name or fix up the …
Health topics
… pleasure too. Don't worry about housekeeping for a while. Allow your friends or family to bring you meals or do chores. … out if there is a problem, and if so, how to fix it. If you have the baby blues for more than a few days, call your … pleasure too. Don't worry about housekeeping for a while. Allow your friends or family to bring you meals or do chores. …
Health topics
… It's also called exercise-induced bronchospasm. When you have an asthma attack, airflow to the lungs is reduced. During an attack, you may feel … chest may feel tight and your breathing may be rapid or shallow. You also may cough or wheeze. What are the symptoms? …
Health topics
… baby with pyloric stenosis may: Vomit soon after a feeding. Have a full, swollen upper belly after a feeding. Act fussy and hungry a lot of the time. Have fewer and harder stools than normal. Pass less urine … baby with pyloric stenosis may: Vomit soon after a feeding. Have a full, swollen upper belly after a feeding. Act fussy …
Health topics
… Information Overview Note : If a chemical has been swallowed that may be a poison or may cause burning in the … on treatment. When you call the Poison Control Centre, have the chemical container with you, so you can read the … sensation after 20 minutes, flush the area again with flowing water for 10 to 15 minutes. Hydrofluoric acid is …
Health topics
… first noticed, how quickly they developed, and whether they have continued to get worse. Other important information in … The person's family, social, cultural, and educational background, as well as any recent unusual events in the … The person's family, social, cultural, and educational background, as well as any recent unusual events in the …
Health topics
… see brown or white spots on your child’s teeth or if you have questions. The Canadian Dental Association and the … might be a challenge for your family, check to see if you have "Healthy Kids" benefits by calling 1-866-866-0800 or …
Health topics
… to track the times you feel stressed. Write down: What may have triggered the stress. Guess, if you aren't sure. How you felt and behaved in response to the stressful situation (symptoms of … coping with stress work best, and which ones don't work or have other effects you don't like? The more notes you write …
Health topics
… ingredients. Methamphetamine can be smoked, snorted, swallowed, or injected. When it is smoked or injected, the … smoke that leaves a residue that can be smoked again, allowing the person to experience effects of the drug for up … by mouth, the person feels happy (euphoric) but does not have the intense rush obtained from smoking or injecting the …