6047 results found
Health topics
… a primary disease and not as a symptom. Your teen needs to have a complete evaluation to determine the level of … teen in a treatment program, look for one that has the following parts. Education. Treatment for a teen's substance … and around people who are staying sober (in recovery) helps lower the chance that your teen will relapse. If your teen …
Health topics
… reasoning (cognitive development) Most children by age 7: Have a solid sense of time. They understand seconds, … sounding out vowels often can still be hard for them. Still have some trouble with basic spelling. Sensory and motor … reasoning (cognitive development) Most children by age 7: Have a solid sense of time. They understand seconds, …
Health topics
… new friends or keep in touch with old ones. And it doesn't have to be difficult. Some ideas for ways to get more … doing a strenuous activity like running or soccer, start slowly and gradually pick up the pace. Do some stretches … complete your activity session, cool down your muscles by slowing your pace before stopping Stay safe: make sure you …
Health topics
… old. Caring for a baby can be stressful at times. You may have periods of feeling overwhelmed, especially if your baby … blanket. Make the top part snug but not too tight. Keep the lower part loose so it doesn't harm baby's hips. What is … blanket. Make the top part snug but not too tight. Keep the lower part loose so it doesn't harm baby's hips. What is …
Health topics
… a short period of time, death results from reduced blood flow to the brain and vital organs. What medicines are used? Beta-blockers have been proved to increase the survival of people with … a short period of time, death results from reduced blood flow to the brain and vital organs. What medicines are used? …
Health topics
… bodies. Both chestfeeding and breastfeeding are used below to ensure that all parents feel represented and … wean herself from breastfeeding or chestfeeding. You do not have to wean her, it occurs naturally — she will gradually stop breastfeeding at her own pace. Allowing your toddler to decide when to stop: Lets you both …
Health topics
… activity behaviour. The resources within Active For Health have been evaluated to ensure they provide understandable …
Health topics
… as with smoking. Do not begin to use an inhaler until you have stopped smoking. Here's how to use a nicotine inhaler. Read the directions. Read and follow the directions that came with the medicine as well as … will tell you either to stop using the inhaler or to slowly reduce the dose. Inhalers are usually used for about …
Health topics
… to make the "not so great" things more enjoyable next time. Have realistic expectations. No holiday gathering is … to make the "not so great" things more enjoyable next time. Have realistic expectations. No holiday gathering is …
Health topics
… Overview Hormone therapy treats prostate cancer by lowering the level of certain hormones in the body. These … is testosterone. Reducing the level of testosterone can slow the growth of prostate cancer and even shrink the … prostate cancer depend in part on the type of therapy you have. Your doctor can tell you what to expect. In general, …