5437 results found
Health topics
… people use yoga to help with a physical problem, such as back pain. In some cases, people with a health issue practice … have shown that yoga helps with back pain, especially low-back pain. It also seems to help with other types of …
Health topics
… on their own. They believe that what they want to happen should happen. But what they want to happen can change from … you have left, but they don't understand that you will come back. Separation protest may become intense at daycare, for … a toy to put away while other children are around. This allows your child to feel more in control. Be patient. An …
… insulin (isophane). It starts to work more slowly but lasts longer than regular insulin. Insulin … in the stomach area, the thigh, the buttocks, or the back of the upper arm. Do not inject into a vein or muscle … or damaged. Do not inject cold insulin because this can be painful. The insulin container you are currently using can …
… insulin (isophane). It starts to work more slowly but lasts longer than regular insulin. Insulin … in the stomach area, the thigh, the buttocks, or the back of the upper arm. Do not inject into a vein because … or damaged. Do not inject cold insulin because this can be painful. The insulin container you are currently using can …
Health topics
… of what happened. Have nightmares, vivid memories, or flashbacks of the event. You may feel like it's happening all … think about your trauma. You will learn how to deal with painful feelings and memories, so you can feel better. … and social support There are times when you may need a shoulder to cry on or a ride to the doctor. You may want to …
Health topics
… their children. Parents also may be awake much of the night trying to get a child back to sleep. Their own lack of sleep can affect parents' … change. Feed or change your baby quietly. Keep the light low. Don't play with or sing to your baby. Put him or her …
Health topics
… since longer use can dry your skin and make the rash worse. Try not to scratch blisters. Scratching may cause a skin … Your doctor may treat your rash with prescription corticosteroid pills, creams, or shots. Poison Ivy, Oak, or Sumac …
HealthLinkBC files
… hat. Avoid baseball caps that do not shade the ears or back of the neck. If you can see through your clothing, UV … the amount of UV radiation absorbed by your skin. It will allow you to be in the sun longer than you could without … 98 per cent and SPF 100 blocks 99 per cent. Sunscreen should also be “broad spectrum,” which means it screens both …
… This causes shingles with symptoms of rash, blisters, and pain. This vaccine works by boosting the body's natural … virus so that symptoms of shingles do not develop. It should not be used for treating active shingles, nerve pain … of 2 doses to provide the best protection. Closely follow the vaccination schedule provided by the health care …
Health topics
… bone or other injury. If you have a removable splint, follow your doctor's instructions and only remove the splint if … your splint off, be sure your skin is dry before you put it back on. Be careful not to put the splint on too tightly. … immediate medical care if: You have increased or severe pain. You feel a warm or painful spot under the splint. You …