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5437 results found
… open-angle glaucoma or high fluid pressure in the eye. Lowering high fluid pressure in the eye reduces the risk of … minutes before putting in your contact lens. Tilt your head back, look upward and pull down the lower eyelid to make a … headache that doesn't go away fast/pounding heartbeats eye pain/burning/swelling extreme sensitivity to light vision …
Medical tests
… may be one of the first tests done to find a cause of belly pain, swelling, nausea, or vomiting. And other tests (such … or ongoing nausea and vomiting. Find a cause of pain in the lower back on either side of the spine (flank pain). An abdominal …
… This causes shingles with symptoms of rash, blisters, and pain. This vaccine works by boosting the body's natural … virus so that symptoms of shingles do not develop. It should not be used for treating active shingles, nerve pain … professional for medical advice about side effects. The following numbers do not provide medical advice, but in the US …
Health topics
… pylori ( H. pylori ) bacteria or by frequent use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) . The symptoms of … ulcers and duodenal ulcers are similar, except for when pain occurs. Pain from a gastric ulcer often occurs when … the location of an ulcer. Gastric ulcers often heal more slowly than duodenal ulcers. A gastric ulcer that does not …
Health topics
… why you may be nervous. Reasons include: Having had a painful or bad experience at the dentist, including … dental tools (such as the sound of a drill) may bring this back. Feeling helpless or out of control. Being confined to … To help feel less nervous about a dental visit, try the following: Talk about your fears. Tell your dentist that you …
… just before taking. Place the tablet under the tongue and allow it to dissolve for at least 1 minute before swallowing. … your hands after handling the tablet. If needed, an adult should help a child take this medication properly. Watch the … tightness/swelling trouble swallowing/breathing chest pain voice changes A very serious allergic reaction to this …
… of casirivimab and imdevimab is given one time by slow infusion into a vein by a healthcare professional. A … of 4 injections into the abdomen, upper thighs, or the back of the upper arms. Each injection should be given in a … does not improve or if it gets worse. Side Effects Pain, soreness, swelling, or bruising of the skin at the …
Health topics
… (oophorectomy), you may have vaginal dryness from low estrogen levels. If sex is painful because of vaginal dryness, there are steps you can … take to make it more comfortable. Use a vaginal lubricant. Try using K-Y Jelly, Astroglide, or a polyunsaturated …
Health topics
… What causes it? Fainting is caused by a drop in blood flow to the brain. After you lose consciousness and fall or lie down, more blood can flow to your brain so you wake up again. Most causes of … reflex can be triggered by many things, including stress, pain, fear, coughing, holding your breath, and urinating. …
HealthLinkBC files
… B virus. The vaccine is approved by Health Canada. Who should get the vaccine? The hepatitis B vaccine is provided … fever, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dark urine, pale stools and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). Many people who get hepatitis …